She is looking back on her achievements.
Looking back, I realize how much I have grown.
She (and it is a she, according to her creator Sanrio Co.) represents every prefecture in Japan, splashed on various regional products, snowflake-covered for northernmost Hokkaido, while a tropical Hello Kitty jumping out of a mango hails from the southern islands of Okinawa.
Michiko Shimizu, a professor at Kansai University of International Studies, calls herself a “Kitt-ler,” meaning a big fan of Hello Kitty. She bought a small purse for herself in 1975, which turned out to be the first merchandise of the character.
“We counted the Hello Kitty items in my research room, including the goto-chi (localized) Kittys (in 2006). When we reached around a thousand, we had to stop,” she says.
“In general, I buy things that have Kitty-chan. My eraser is Kitty-chan, my pencil is Kitty-chan. I’m often asked (how many items I own) but it is countless.”
Hello Kitty’s success lies in that strategy of relatively unrestricted use in return for a licensing fee, being flexible and open to collaborations and third-party use.
Publications: “The library has a wide range of publications on art and history.”
Galore: “There were prizes galore at the festival.”
The Tokyo-based company’s concept is: “minna nakayoku,” which means, “everyone gets along,” a fitting description for the way it runs its business. The way Sanrio puts it: “Spreading the circle of happiness.”
it runs its business, puts it, Spreading the circle of happiness.
it runs its business
発音記号: /ɪt rʌnz ɪts ˈbɪznəs/
意味: それはビジネスを運営する(文脈では「サンリオがどのように事業を行うか」を指す)。
puts it
発音記号: /pʊts ɪt/
意味: (ある表現を)言い表す、述べる(文脈では「サンリオの言葉で言えば」というニュアンス)。
Spreading the circle of happiness
発音記号: /ˈsprɛdɪŋ ðə ˈsɜːrkəl əv ˈhæpɪnɪs/
意味: 幸せの輪を広げる(サンリオの企業理念や価値観を象徴する表現)。
It runs its business efficiently.
As she puts it, ‘Life is short, so enjoy it.’
Spreading the circle of happiness is their motto.
“Kitty-chan’s strength is that she is a mere design, I think. Of course, there is a rough profile, but that is something created later and it is not that significant. That simple design—with a round face, and a button-like nose, a big bow and no mouth—makes it possible for her to be anything. She is accepted by various generations and countries,” says Shimizu.
Strength: “The strength of the bridge lies in its design.”
Mere: “It was a mere coincidence.”
Bow: “She tied a red bow in her hair.”
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Many people feel a strong emotional connection to Hello Kitty as she impacted many generations. Why do you think certain characters remain loved for so long? How do you think these characters become so loved by both children and adults? Discuss.
What is your favorite character from your childhood that you still like? What do you like about this character? Do you think it’s common for adults to still like characters from their childhood? Why or why not? Discuss.
Discussion B
Hello Kitty can be found on many types of products, such as pencils and cars. In your opinion, why do people want to buy and collect any kind of product with their favorite character on it? If you could create a product and put a character on it, what product would it be and what character would you use? Discuss.
Hello Kitty’s success lies in the strategy of relatively unrestricted use for licensing and being open to collaborations. How do you think this helps her stay famous? Do you think other characters could become popular by doing the same thing? Why or why not? Discuss.
Deadly E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders
E. coli
linked to
E. coli [ ee KOH-lahy ]
deadly – causing or able to cause death
Escherichia coli or E.coli – a bacterium that lives in the intestines of people and animals that cause illness if they get into food or water
Escherichia [ eh-shr-I-kee-uh ]
bacterium [ bak-TEER-ee-uhm ]
outbreak – a sudden start or increase of fighting or disease
linked to – cause or associated with or the connection
reassure [ ree-uh–shoor ]
confident – having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something
confidential – secret or private
confidant – a trusted friend you can talk to about personal and private things
fidere – trust
sicken [ SIK–uhn ]
Personalized FEEDBACK
deadly – causing or able to cause death
Escherichia coli or E.coli – a bacterium that lives in the intestines of people and animals that cause illness if they get into food or water
outbreak – a sudden start or increase of fighting or disease
linked to – cause or associated with or the connection
confident – having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something
confidential – secret or private
confidant – a trusted friend you can talk to about personal and private things
You said: Difficult question. I often go McDonalds because reasonable price, cheaper, breakfast is cheap, sometimes they campaign for chicken nuggets. Better: That’s a difficult question but I often go to McDonalds because of the reasonable price of breakfast and sometimes, they have a special promo for chicken nuggets.
You said: It’s like a snack, so if we thought that is dish, that is not so good but if thought that is a snack, maybe good. Better: If we consider chicken nuggets as a snack, then they’re good, but if we consider them as a dish, then they may not be good.
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
reassure / ˌri əˈʃʊər / (v.) – to make someone feel less worried or more confident about something
I called my friend to reassure her before her big job interview.
sicken / ˈsɪk ən / (v.) – to cause someone to become sick
The bad food at the picnic sickened a few people, so they had to go home early.
preliminary / prɪˈlɪm əˌnɛr I / (adj.) – happening before the main or most important part of something, such as an event or action
The team conducted preliminary research to see if the idea would work before investing money.
pull up / pʊl ʌp / (phrasal v.) – to stop a vehicle somewhere, often for a short time
The car pulled up to the side of the road and parked.
forthcoming / ˈfɔrθˈkʌm ɪŋ / (adj.) – helpful, honest, and willing to give information or to talk
She was very forthcoming with the details of the project.
Read the text below.
McDonald’s worked on October 24 to reassure customers that its U.S. restaurants are safe as federal investigators tried to pinpoint the cause of a deadly E. coli outbreak linked to the fast food giant’s Quarter Pounder hamburgers.
McDonald’s pulled Quarter Pounders from one-fifth of its U.S. stores on October 23 as a result of the outbreak, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said had sickened at least 49 people in 10 states. One person died and 10 were hospitalized, according to the CDC.
A preliminary investigation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggested fresh slivered onions that are served raw on Quarter Pounder hamburgers were a likely source of the contamination. McDonald’s also serves raw, slivered onions on one of its breakfast sandwiches, but that sandwich isn’t available at the impacted stores. Other burgers, like the Big Mac, use diced, cooked onions.
McDonald’s said it was searching for a new regional supplier of fresh onions. In the meantime, Quarter Pounders were removed from menus in Colorado, Kansas, Utah, Wyoming, and portions of Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
Adriean Madden, 37, pulled up outside a McDonald’s in Denver on October 24 for his usual afternoon snack but then decided against it. He said he was unsure how E. coli spreads or contaminates other foods, and he thinks McDonald’s should be more forthcoming.
“This affects my decision with coming to McDonald’s in the future,” Madden said. “I feel like the information isn’t as widely spread. I didn’t see any notices on the door, and then I saw vehicles going through the drive-through just as if nothing was going on.”
McDonald’s said it had worked closely with federal food safety regulators in October when it was alerted to the potential outbreak. The company said the scope of the problem and the popularity of its products have complicated efforts to identify the contamination source.
McDonald’s has more than 14,000 U.S. stores and serves 1 million Quarter Pounders every two weeks in the affected 12-state area.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
How do you think pulling food from a menu just like McDonald’s Quarter Pounder affects a business’s reputation and customers’ trust? If you heard about a food safety issue at a restaurant, would you still go there? Why or why not? Discuss.
Do you think it’s harder for big companies like McDonald’s to handle food safety issues? Why? In your opinion, how can a brand regain trust after a major food safety problem? Discuss.
Discussion B
Adriean Madden said he was unsure how E. coli spreads or contaminates other foods, and he thinks McDonald’s should be more forthcoming. How important do you think it is for restaurants to inform customers about food safety problems directly? Do you think signs or notices about food recalls in stores are helpful, or could they cause unnecessary fear? Why? Discuss.
Are there specific types of food or places where you feel more cautious about safety? How do you usually check if a place is safe to eat at (ex. I check reviews online, I ask other people)? Discuss.
Real estate investment can provide steady income over time.
She has a great investment in her children’s education.
Read the text below.
The remains of a 145-million-year-old dinosaur went under the hammer in France on November 16. Valued at millions of euros, its sale could set a new milestone in the booming market for fossils.
The discovery of the vaccine was a milestone in medical history.
Dubbed “Vulcan,” the giant specimen is “the largest dinosaur skeleton ever to come to auction,” according to auction houses Collin du Bocage and Barbarossa.
The museum displayed a rare specimen of a prehistoric bird.(博物館は珍しい先史時代の鳥の標本を展示した。)
品詞: 副詞(Adverb)
This is the best movie I have ever seen.(これは私がこれまでに見た中で最高の映画だ。)
Dubbed: 「(ヴァルカンと)名付けられた」
Specimen: 「標本(恐竜の骨格を指す)」
Ever: 「これまでに」「過去の記録全体の中で」
The remains are believed to be those of an apatosaurus, extremely large herbivores that populated North America around 150 million years ago, in what scientists call the late Jurassic period. But the sale catalog says the exact species is still unclear and that an “official scientific identification will have to take place.”
The dinosaur stretches 67 feet (20.5 meters) from tip to toe—so long that part of its tail has been detached so it fits into the room where it’s on display in a castle outside Paris, ahead of the auction.
The dinosaur was originally estimated to be worth between $4 million and $6 million. But the record sale of a stegosaurus—dubbed “Apex”—in July has since helped push up its value.
The auctioneer started the bidding at $5,000.
品詞: 動詞(Verb)
意味: 「(特定の価格で)売れる」「(物を)持ってくる」
The painting fetched $1 million at the auction.
Can you fetch me a glass of water?
品詞: 動詞(Verb)、名詞(Noun)、形容詞(Adjective)
動詞: 「2倍になる」「2倍にする」
名詞: 「2倍」
形容詞: 「2倍の」
The value of the house doubled in 10 years.
He expects the company’s revenue to double by next year.
Auctioneer: 競売を管理するフローレント・バルバロッサ氏。
Fetch: 恐竜「ヴァルカン」が最低でも1,100万ドルで売れるだろうと予想。
Double: 最終的な価格がその2倍、つまり約2,200万ドルに達する可能性を示唆。
But the increasingly lucrative market frustrates some academic paleontologists who feel the specimens belong in museums or research centers that can’t afford huge auction prices.
Many small museums cannot afford such expensive specimens.
Lucrative: 化石市場が収益性が高まっていること。
Frustrates: 学術的立場の人々が不満を感じていること。
Paleontologists: 古生物学者たちが市場の状況に懸念を抱いていること。
Specimens: 競売対象の化石標本。
Afford: 博物館や研究機関が高額の化石を購入できないことを示唆。
Collin du Bocage says the future buyer will grant scientists access to the dinosaur. “The buyer will commit to allowing public access to this dinosaur in the future. That’s why there’s no controversy. Private funds have financed its research and restoration.”
Visitor Cyril Fernandes shares his concerns about privatization: “It must be visible to as wide a public as possible. Privatizing like that, for just one person, depends on what’s being done afterward, but I’m putting it into perspective. I’m thinking, well, if it’s just for purely personal pleasure…”
Let’s put this issue into perspective before making a decision.
Privatization: 恐竜の標本が一部の個人所有になることへの懸念。
What’s being done afterward: 標本が個人所有された後、研究や展示のために使われるのか、それとも完全に非公開になるのかへの疑問。
Putting it into perspective: 訪問者がこの問題を冷静かつ広い視野で評価しようとしていることを示す表現。彼は個人的な利益と公共の利益のバランスを考慮しています。
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
The market for fossils is increasingly lucrative. Why do you think this is so? In your opinion, is there something unique about them compared to other ancient objects? Discuss.
Do you think spending millions on a fossil is worth it? Why or why not? Why do you think people are willing to spend so much money on it? Discuss.
Discussion B
Some academic paleontologists are frustrated about the increasingly lucrative market for and the privatization of fossils. Do you think it’s okay for rare fossils to be sold to private collectors? Why or why not? Who do you think should have the right to own dinosaur fossils: museums or private individuals? Why? Discuss.
Should scientists have full access to study fossils, even if they belong to private collectors? Why or why not? How do you think private ownership might affect future scientific research on fossils? Discuss.
reckless / ˈrɛk lɪs / (adj.) – not showing care or concern about the negative effects of one’s actions
He drove in a reckless manner, so he got into an accident.
premium / ˈpri mi əm / (adj.) – relating to something that is of high or higher than the usual quality
The shop sells premium coffee made from the finest coffee beans.
Read the text below.
A jury in Nevada has delivered a $5.2 billion award in the latest large-sum lawsuit against a former Las Vegas-based bottled water company that was found responsible for causing liver damage in customers before it was recalled from store shelves in 2021.
A 12-day trial ended with the verdict in the negligence and product liability case against Inc. and its Real Water brand, according to Clark County District Court records. The jury awarded about $230 million in compensatory damages and $5 billion in punitive damages to Hunter Brown and several other plaintiffs.
The jury awarded compensatory damages to the plaintiffs.
Attorney Will Kemp, representing plaintiffs, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal he expects Real Water’s insurance company to fight paying damages because the company has filed for bankruptcy. was headed by Brent Jones, who served as a Republican Nevada state Assembly member from 2016 to 2018. Jones and attorneys for the company did not immediately respond to emails seeking comment.
The company declared bankruptcy after failing to pay its debts.
Juries have previously delivered separate verdicts against the company, awarding plaintiffs almost $3.1 billion in June, $130 million in February and $228 million in October 2023. Juries have been told that tests found Real Water contained hydrazine, a chemical used in rocket fuel that may have been introduced during treatment before bottling.
Hydrazine is commonly used in rocket propulsion systems.
Defense attorneys have cast the company as unintentionally negligent, not reckless, because it didn’t know hydrazine was in the water and didn’t know to test for it.
Real Water was sold in distinctive boxy blue bottles as premium treated “alkalized” drinking water with healthy detoxifying properties. It was distributed to stores throughout the Southwest including Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and the Los Angeles area, and also was delivered to homes in large bottles before being pulled off shelves in March 2021.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
According to the article, the company has filed for bankruptcy. Do you think it will be able to pay the victims the compensatory and punitive damages? Why or why not? What do you think the government should do to ensure that the victims get paid? Discuss.
In your opinion, what will be the impact of the company’s bankruptcy on its employees? How should the government help the employees who will lose their jobs because of a company’s bankruptcy? Discuss.
Discussion B
Real Water was sold as premium treated “alkalized” drinking water with healthy detoxifying properties. As a consumer, what does “premium” mean to you? Would you buy something that is labeled as premium? Why or why not? Discuss.
How do you feel about a “premium” product, like Real Water, causing harm to people? What did you realize from this situation? How might this change your view of premium products? Discuss.
Cello-playing robot performs with symphony orchestra
交響曲、交響楽、またはシンフォニー(音楽において) (比喩的に)調和、調和のとれた組み合わせ
Do you listen to symphony orchestras?
At concerts? Or is watching on TV also fine?
Either is fine.
I do watch them on TV sometimes.
Do you like orchestras?
It depends on the genre.
For example, what instruments do you like? 私はピアノとバイオリンが好きです。
I like the piano and violin.
I like the violin too. I also enjoy the piano.
cello [ CHEL-oh ]
symphony – a long piece of music that is usually in four large, separate sections and that is performed by an orchestra
symphony orchestra – a large orchestra of musicians who play classical music together and are led by a conductor
precision [ pri-SIZH–uhn ]
ingredients – one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.
accomplished [ uh–KOM-plisht ]
expressiveness [ ik-SPRES-iv-nuhs ]
Personalized FEEDBACK
symphony – a long piece of music that is usually in four large, separate sections and that is performed by an orchestra
symphony orchestra – a large orchestra of musicians who play classical music together and are led by a conductor
ingredients – one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.
You said: I like classical music depend on type. Better: I like classical music, but my preference depends on the type of instrument.
You said: Robot can easily change style of playing style so we can a lot of things from many patterns. Better: Robots can easily change playing styles, which allows us to experiment with and learn from a wide range of patterns and techniques.
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
precondition / ˌpri kənˈdɪʃ ən / (n.) – a condition or situation that must exist or happen first before something else can exist or happen
A precondition for joining the team is that you have to pass a fitness test.
precision / prɪˈsɪʒ ən / (n.) – the quality of being exact, correct, or accurate
In baking, precision is important when measuring ingredients.
accomplished / əˈkɒm plɪʃt / (adj.) – very skillful, having the skill of an expert or a master
The accomplished chef has opened several restaurants, published cook books, and created new recipes.
toy with (something) / tɔɪ wɪθ / (phrasal v.) – to think about something for a short time and not very seriously
After working for many years, he toyed with the idea of starting his own business.
expressiveness / ɪkˈsprɛs ɪv nəs / (n.) – the ability to show or express one’s thoughts or emotions
The singer’s expressiveness while performing on stage made the audience emotional.
Read the text below.
The world’s first joint performance by a symphony orchestra and a robot playing a cello took place in Sweden.
The joint performance piece entitled ‘Veer’ was created for the robot by Swedish composer Jacob Mühlrad who said the possibilities of the robotic performance inspired him to reconsider the cello as an instrument.
The 33-year-old composer said the experiment is not about replacing human musicians with a robot, but about gaining new insights into the creative process.
For example, the unique anatomy of the robotic arms means it is capable of playing “double stops” that a human hand would not be capable of playing and these new possibilities forced Mühlrad to think about the cello in a completely new way.
He explains, “[…] suddenly there are a lot of ways to play the cello that I didn’t think about before because of the preconditions of the human and anatomy. So suddenly, the cello has become another instrument for me, thanks to this robot.”
The robot has the precision to match the most accomplished human musicians.
In fact, Mühlrad originally toyed with the idea of composing a technically advanced piece that a human musician would not be able to perform.
He resisted and created a slow and simple melody to demonstrate the robot’s expressiveness.
Mühlrad does not think the robot’s precision leads to a lack of soul and creativity in the performance and, as it turns out, even the robot is capable of making mistakes which can lead to one of those “happy accidents” in art.
But there has been some criticism as Mühlrad explains, “I received some feedback from some musicians that were a little bit frightened, also from social media—people who are questioning it. But I think it’s reasonable to question things. […] I also question it.”
Mühlrad says there are more plans to continue composing music for the robotic cello and is planning the first performance in the USA for later this year.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Mühlrad gained new insights into the creative process with the help of a robot. Do you think humans can learn new things from robots? Why or why not? What do you think are the limitations of robots when it comes to teaching us? In what areas is human experience and insight more valuable? Discuss.
I believe we can learn a lot from robots like this. The reason is that robots can perform a variety of pieces in many patterns, and humans can analyze those performances to discover better ways to play. While humans have limitations in terms of ability and time, robots, with sufficient training, can perform in numerous patterns and styles. In that sense, I think there’s a great deal we can learn from them.
I think it’s a very good thing that robots can teach us in various ways. This is because robots can learn diverse information, essentially possessing a brain similar to ChatGPT, which allows them to answer a wide range of questions. In contrast, there are low-quality teachers in schools, and even when we ask fundamental questions, many teachers cannot provide answers—or rather, they are incapable of doing so.
How would you feel about a robot teacher for learning language, art, music, or other subjects? How effective do you think robots can be as teachers? Discuss.
Discussion B
Mühlrad believes that a robot’s precision does not mean it lacks soul and creativity. Do you agree or disagree? Do you think robots can bring emotion or express emotions through a musical performance? Why or why not? In your opinion, would a robot be able to perform as well as a human? Why or why not? Discuss.
How important are emotions in a musical performance? What do you think about the idea of using robots in musical performances? Would you watch robots perform? Why or why not? Discuss.
The cake was eaten by the child. ケーキは擬人化されたとき,視点移動で主語になったと考えられないのですか? 例えば,こういう表現が使われるかわかりませんが,日本ではよく女性が食われたということがあります.スラングかもしれませんが.その場合,女性が主語になりませんか?ケーキが食べられたというのは,ケーキ視点で食べられちゃったてきな.
擬人化の影響: 擬人化された表現(例: “The cake felt hungry and asked to be eaten by the child.”)では、被行為者が能動的な存在として描かれるため、通常の受動態とは異なるニュアンスが生まれます。しかし、これは特定の文脈や文学的な表現に限られます。
結論として、英語圏の人が「私が悪くて叩かれた」という状況を表現する際には、通常は能動態を使用して “He hit me.” と表現するのが自然です。受動態の “I was hit by him.” も文法的には正しいですが、日常会話では能動態の方が一般的で直接的な表現とされています。ただし、特定の状況や意図に応じて受動態も適切に使用されます。
昆虫や小動物の群れ 例: A swarm of locusts destroyed the crops. (イナゴの群れが作物を破壊した)
自律的に動作するドローンやロボットの協調動作を表す。 例: The drones moved as a swarm, communicating with each other in real-time. (ドローンは群れのように動き、リアルタイムで通信していた)
大量の人や物が集まり、動きがある場面。 例: A swarm of reporters gathered around the celebrity. (報道陣の群れが有名人を取り囲んだ)
Group: 静的な「集団」。動きや統一感を必ずしも伴わない。 例: A group of students. (学生の集団)
Herd: 主に大型動物(牛や羊など)の群れを指す。 例: A herd of cattle. (牛の群れ)
Flock: 羊や鳥などの群れを指す。 例: A flock of birds. (鳥の群れ)
Swarm は特に「動き」や「広がり」を伴う集団を指す。
Do you ever suddenly feel anxious?
Today is exactly one of those days for me.
Where does anxiety come from?
Even though I know it’s just biorhythm, I don’t like this kind of feeling.
I wish I could learn to like it.
I had absolutely no interest in topics like biorhythm back then.
If anything, it seemed more like something women were interested in—things like blood type fortune-telling or horoscope readings that women tend to like.
However, while I don’t necessarily believe in the accuracy of this kind of calendar, I do think biorhythms definitely exist.
Women have menstrual cycles, and their physical condition and emotions change with that rhythm.
I believe that such biological rhythms exist in both men and women.
These days, when the rhythm comes, I just accept it and do nothing about it.
Because no matter what I do, my feelings don’t change.
With ordinary events, there’s no noticeable change.
Redirecting my focus away from anxiety is the only way to overcome this rhythm.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at specific times of the year, typically during the fall and winter months when daylight hours are shorter. It is often referred to as “seasonal depression” or “winter blues.”
Reduced Sunlight:
Shorter days and less sunlight during fall and winter can disrupt the body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm), leading to feelings of depression.
Changes in Serotonin Levels:
Serotonin, a brain chemical that affects mood, can decrease due to reduced sunlight, contributing to depressive symptoms.
Melatonin Disruption:
Seasonal changes can affect the body’s melatonin levels, which regulate sleep patterns and mood.
Emotional Symptoms:
Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness
Irritability or anxiety
Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
Physical Symptoms:
Fatigue or low energy
Oversleeping (hypersomnia)
Cravings for carbohydrates and weight gain
Difficulty concentrating
Seasonal Pattern:
Symptoms generally start in late fall or early winter and improve in spring or summer.
Risk Factors
Geographic Location:
People living farther from the equator are more prone to SAD due to less sunlight in winter.
Family History:
A family history of depression or other mental health conditions increases the risk.
Gender and Age:
Women are more likely to experience SAD than men.
It typically begins in young adulthood.
Treatment Options
Light Therapy (Phototherapy):
Exposure to a bright light that mimics natural sunlight for 20-30 minutes daily.
Psychotherapy (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy):
Helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns.
Antidepressants (e.g., SSRIs) may be prescribed for severe cases.
Lifestyle Changes:
Regular exercise
Spending time outdoors during daylight hours
Maintaining a healthy diet
Preventive Measures
Start light therapy before symptoms appear in fall.
Spend time outdoors even on cloudy days.
Maintain regular sleep and wake schedules year-round.
Key Point
SAD is a recognized mental health condition linked to seasonal changes, primarily due to decreased exposure to sunlight. While it can significantly impact mood and energy levels, effective treatments and preventive strategies can help manage and reduce its effects.
swarm – a big group of something (in this case, drones)
You said: My birthday and today calculate, today eleven emotion F is emotion down. Better: After inputting my birthday and calculating today’s date, my biorhythm results indicate that my emotions are at a low point. 誕生日と今日の日にちを入力すると,今日のバイオリズムが取得されます.今日は感情の値がダウンしています.
By entering your birthdate and today’s date, you can get today’s biorhythm. Today, the emotional value is down.
You said: When 1994, I was university student, you’re baby. Better: In 1994, I was a university student and you were just a baby. 1994年は,私は大学生で,あなたは赤ちゃんですね.
In 1994, I was a university student, and you were a baby.
You said: Communicating with someone is bring feel better. Better: Communicating with others can make you feel better. 誰かとコミュニケーションを取ると,気分がらくになりますね.
Talking to someone makes you feel better, doesn’t it? You said: Recently, there are no balloons in Japan. When I was child, there are many balloons for advertising. Better: I haven’t seen many balloons in Japan recently, but when I was a child, there were many balloons used for advertising.
最近日本では,バルーンは飛んでいません.子供の頃,たくさんのバルーンが広告のために飛んでいました. Recently, balloons haven’t been flying in Japan. When I was a child, many balloons were flown for advertising. PRONUNCIATION
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
drone / droʊn / (n.) – a type of small aircraft that can fly without a pilot and can be controlled from the ground Example:
There are companies using drones to deliver medicine in remote locations.
experimentation / ɪkˌspɛr ə mɛnˈteɪ ʃən / (n.) – the process of testing methods, strategies, and products to determine its effects, especially if it’s good and effective Example:
It will take many years of experimentation before the car company can release the first flying car.
centralized / ˈsɛn trəˌlaɪzd / (adj.) – under the control of a single main system or authority Example:
The company has a centralized system to manage all its customer information in one place.
scale up (something) / skeɪl ʌp / (phrasal v.) – to increase something’s size, quantity, or scope Example:
Factories scale up production of their items before the holiday shopping season.
onboard / ˈɒnˈbɔrd / (adj.) – being carried on a vehicle or happening on a vehicle Example:
The robot uses onboard sensors to detect obstacles and move around safely.
Read the text below.
Moving in a dense cloud, like a flock of birds in flight, 100 drones maneuver through the night sky in an open field just outside Hungary’s capital. It’s the result of more than a decade of research and experimentation that scientists believe could change the future of unmanned flight.
The behavior of the swarm, made up of autonomous drones that make their own decisions without pre-programming or centralized control, is guided by research conducted by Hungarian scientists at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest on the collective movements of creatures from the natural world.
“We don’t scale up our systems from designing one single drone and then having multiple ones,” says Gábor Vásárhelyi, a senior researcher at the university. “But we start this whole thing with the mindset of collective motion and collective behavior.”
In recent years, drones have become a common sight in the sky: Companies like Amazon and FedEx have launched drone delivery services, hobbyists use them for aerial photography, and groups of more than 1,000 drones have been programmed to deliver large-scale light shows.
But the scientists at ELTE’s Department of Biological Physics have developed new models based on the behavior of animals to allow a large number of drones to travel autonomously and react in real-time to their environment and each other as they execute individual routes and tasks.
“This is the level of what we call decentralization or decentralized systems. After the drones are told what to do, we can switch off the ground control station, we can burn it, or whatever, throw it away,” says Vásárhelyi. “The drones will be able to do what they have to do just by communicating to each other.”
Using data the researchers gathered by monitoring the flight of pigeons, the movements of wild horses on the Great Hungarian Plain, and other animal behavior, they developed an algorithm that allows the drones to make onboard, autonomous decisions and safely mitigate conflicts to avoid collisions.
Digital models in three dimensions have convinced the researchers that the algorithm can successfully support 5,000 drones flying together autonomously.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
How would you feel if hundreds of drones flew over you in public? Should there be limits on where and how many drones can fly at a time? Why or why not? Discuss.
Drones can take photos and videos while they’re flying. Does this concern you? What else should people be concerned about with many drones in the sky? What measures should the government implement to ease the public’s concerns regarding the use of drones? Discuss.
Discussion B
In ELTE’s experimentation, drones can make decisions without needing human instructions. How much do you trust technology to operate autonomously? What tasks would you never want an autonomous device to do for you? Why? Discuss.
What autonomous devices do you have at home that you can confidently use with no issues (ex. robot vacuum, AI-powered washing machine)? How satisfied are you with the performance of these autonomous devices? Discuss.
standouts – individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the fields of arts and humanities and who have achieved a level of excellence or recognition that sets them apart from their peers
emotional – having and expressing strong feelings
Do people in your country receive awards for arts?
I don’t know much about it, but in Japan, there is something called the Purple Ribbon Medal.
What does the purple in the award signify? How about red? And blue?
Do you know anyone who has won an award in the arts or similar fields?
I’m not sure. Do you mean contemporary artists?
If you’re talking about artists from the past, I know someone named Tarō Okamoto.
彼の絵が好きなのですか? Do you like his paintings?
No, I don’t. I just know him because he’s very famous.
Step 1: Full Translation
Contemporary 「現代の」「同時代の」「現代的な」など、文脈に応じて異なる意味を持つ。
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
Word Class: Adjective (形容詞), Noun (名詞)
Role in Sentence:
As an adjective: Describes something belonging to the present time or the same time period.
As a noun: Refers to a person living in the same time period as another.
recipient [ ri-SIP-ee-uhnt ] Who did President Joe Biden honor?
Personalized FEEDBACK
standouts – individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the fields of arts and humanities and who have achieved a level of excellence or recognition that sets them apart from their peers
honored by – to be given an award or recognition
emotional – having and expressing strong feelings
pass away – to die
You said: I don’t know, but we have, please wait, purple ribbon medal. Better: I don’t know, but we have the purple ribbon medal award.
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
acclaimed / əˈkleɪmd / (adj.) – praised and recognized as being very good or important Example:
She is an acclaimed author, known for writing fantasy books that are loved by both readers and critics.
make (someone’s) mark on (something) / meɪk mɑrk ɔn / (idiom) – to do something important or have an impact that people notice and remember Example:
Jerry made his mark on the company by introducing new ideas that improved sales and customer satisfaction.
posthumously / ˈpɒs tʃə məs li / (adv.) – describing something that is happening or done after a person’s death Example:
The author’s final novel was published posthumously, becoming a bestseller even though she had passed away before releasing it.
recount / rɪˈkaʊnt / (v.) – to talk about something that happened Example:
Jenny recounted her childhood memories of playing in the park, sharing funny stories about her friends and the games they played together.
consequential / ˌkɒn sɪˈkwɛn ʃəl / (adj.) – important or significant, especially because it affects or has a strong influence on something Example:
The meeting at the start of the year was consequential, as it set the direction for the company’s future plans and goals.
Read the text below.
President Joe Biden became emotional as he honored acclaimed filmmakers, singers, writers, and others who have made their markon American culture, awarding the prestigious National Medals of Arts and National Humanities Medals to 39 recipients.
Step 1: Full Translation
Prestigious 「名誉ある」「一流の」「権威ある」などの意味。
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
Word Class: Adjective (形容詞)
Role in Sentence: Describes nouns, indicating a high status, honor, or respect associated with the subject.
Example 1:
She graduated from a prestigious university.
Subject (S): She
Verb (V): graduated
Prepositional Phrase (PP): from a prestigious university
Filmmakers Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, and Ken Burns and singers Missy Elliott and Queen Latifah were among 20 recipients of National Medals of Arts, while the 19 recipients of National Humanities Medals included playwright-screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and historian Jon Meacham.
Three of the medals were awarded posthumously: The late singer Selena Quintanilla and artist Ruth Asawa are arts medal winners and the late chef-author Anthony Bourdain was among the humanities medal winners.
“Above all, you are Step 1: Full Translation
The masters of your craft 「あなたの技術(専門分野)の達人たち」または「その道の名匠たち」。
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
The masters of your craft
Word Class: Noun phrase (名詞句)
Role in Sentence: Functions as a subject, object, or complement, referring to highly skilled individuals in a specific field or profession.
Component Breakdown:
The masters
Noun (名詞, plural form)
Refers to people with exceptional skill or expertise.
Example: They are the masters of their trade.
Meaning: 彼らはその分野の名匠です。
of your craft
Prepositional phrase (前置詞句)
Modifies “masters,” specifying the particular skill, trade, or profession being referenced.
Example: Your craft refers to the specific skill or expertise possessed by the listener.
Meaning: あなたが専門としている技術や分野。
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation
“The masters of your craft”は、特定の分野で卓越した技術や知識を持つ人々を指す表現です。「craft」は特定の職業やスキルを指し、職人や専門家の世界でよく使われます。例文:
Learn from the masters of your craft. (あなたの技術分野の達人たちから学びなさい。) このフレーズは、尊敬や目標とする人々を指す際に用いられるフォーマルかつインスピレーションを与える表現です。
that have made us a better America with all of you have done,” Biden said at the White House ceremony.
Step 1: Full Translation
Playwright-Screenwriter 「劇作家・脚本家」または「戯曲作家・映画脚本家」。
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
Word Class: Compound noun (複合名詞)
Role in Sentence: Functions as a noun to describe a person who writes plays (for the theater) and screenplays (for films or television).
Component Breakdown:
Noun (名詞)
Refers to someone who writes scripts for plays performed in the theater.
Example: Shakespeare is one of the most famous playwrights in history.
Meaning: Shakespeareは最も有名な劇作家の一人です。
Noun (名詞)
Refers to someone who writes scripts for films or television productions.
Example: The screenwriter won an Oscar for their original screenplay.
Meaning: その脚本家はオリジナル脚本でオスカーを受賞しました。
Combined Usage:
Example: He is both a playwright-screenwriter known for his versatility.
Subject (S): He
Verb (V): is
Complement (C): both a playwright-screenwriter known for his versatility
The late chef-author 「故・料理人兼作家」または「亡くなった料理人であり作家であった人」。
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
The late chef-author
Word Class: Compound noun phrase (複合名詞句)
Role in Sentence: Functions as a subject or modifier to describe a deceased individual who was both a chef and an author.
Component Breakdown:
The late
Adjective (形容詞)
Indicates that the person mentioned has passed away.
Example: The late Anthony Bourdain was a renowned chef and author.
Meaning: 故アンソニー・ボーディンは有名な料理人であり作家でした。
Compound noun (複合名詞)
Combines two professions: chef (料理人) and author (作家).
Example: The chef-author wrote a bestselling cookbook.
Meaning: その料理人兼作家はベストセラーの料理本を書きました。
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation
“The late chef-author”は、すでに亡くなっている「料理人兼作家」を指します。この表現は敬意を込めて故人の功績や職業を伝える際に使用されます。 例:
The late chef-author inspired many through his recipes and books. (その故料理人兼作家は彼のレシピと本を通して多くの人々に影響を与えました。)
Biden grew emotional as he recounted that Dr. Martin Luther King, as a ten-year-old boy, listened on the radio to Marian Anderson sing “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after she had been denied from performing at Constitution Hall. Decades later, when King delivered his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, Biden recounted that Anderson was there to sing again.
Step 1: Full Translation
バイデン大統領は、マーティン・ルーサー・キング牧師が10歳の少年だったとき、1939年にマリアン・アンダーソンがリンカーン記念堂の階段で「My Country, ‘Tis of Thee」を歌ったラジオ放送を聴いたというエピソードを語りながら、感情が高ぶりました。アンダーソンは、コンスティチューション・ホールでの公演を拒否された後にその場で歌いました。それから数十年後、キング牧師がワシントン大行進の際にリンカーン記念堂で有名な演説を行ったとき、アンダーソンも再びその場で歌ったとバイデンは振り返りました。
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
Sentence 1:
Biden grew emotional as he recounted that Dr. Martin Luther King, as a ten-year-old boy, listened on the radio to Marian Anderson sing “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after she had been denied from performing at Constitution Hall.
Subject (S): Biden
Verb (V): grew emotional (感情が高ぶった)
Subordinate Clause (as …):
Main Verb (V): recounted (語った)
Subordinate Clause (that …): Dr. Martin Luther King … listened on the radio …
Main Verb (V): listened
Direct Object (O): Marian Anderson sing
Modifier: on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939
Adverbial Clause: after she had been denied from performing …
Sentence 2:
Decades later, when King delivered his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, Biden recounted that Anderson was there to sing again.
Adverbial Modifier: Decades later
Main Clause:
Subject (S): Biden
Verb (V): recounted
Subordinate Clause (that …): Anderson was there to sing again.
Biden also told the winners that the moment was a “very consequential time in the arts and humanities in America” because “extreme forces are banning books, trying to erase history, spreading misinformation.”
The arts medals are given “to individuals or groups who are deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to the excellence, growth, support, and availability of the arts in the United States.”
Other humanities winners included former U.S. poet laureate Joy Harjo, actor-literacy advocate LeVar Burton, cartoonist Roz Chast, and philanthropists Wallis Annenberg and Darren Walker. The humanities medals honor “an individual or organization whose work has deepened the nation’s understanding of the human experience, broadened citizens’ engagement with history or literature, or helped preserve and expand Americans’ access to cultural resources.”
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Biden told the award recipients that they are the masters of their craft who have made America better with all of what they have done. In your opinion, in what ways can artists make a country better? Do you believe art, films, or music can influence or change society? Why or why not? Discuss.
In your opinion, what is the role of humanities (like literature and history) in society? How do you think studying humanities can help people understand the world better? Discuss.
Discussion B
Why do you think it’s important to honor and recognize artists and creators? If you could give a National Medal to an artist from your country, who would it be and why? Discuss.
How do you feel about political leaders recognizing and awarding artists for their work? Should the government play a role in supporting the arts? Why or why not? Does your government show enough support to people in the arts and humanities? Why do you think so? Discuss.
Describes something in a state of severe neglect or disrepair, often due to abandonment or lack of maintenance. Example: “The derelict building stood alone, decaying.”(その廃墟は一人で朽ちていた)
As a Noun: “遺棄物、見捨てられた人(または物)”
Refers to an abandoned object or, more rarely, a person who has been neglected by society. Example: “The ship became a derelict after years adrift.”(その船は放置され、漂流の末に廃船となった)
Usage Context:
Often used to describe abandoned buildings or property in a deteriorated state.
Implies a sense of loss, neglect, or failure to care for something.
Related Forms:
Dereliction (名詞): 放棄、怠慢
This refers to the act of abandoning or neglecting responsibility, as in “dereliction of duty”(職務怠慢)
Cognitive Imagery:
“Derelict” evokes imagery of something that once had value or purpose but has since fallen into ruin or obsolescence, creating an impression of decay, abandonment, and solitude.
Example in Context:
“The derelict castle was overgrown with ivy, a ghost of its former grandeur.”(その荒廃した城はツタに覆われ、かつての壮麗さの面影が残っていた)
この文は、かつての栄光と現在の荒廃という対比を強調し、ホテル・ユーゴスラビアの変遷を簡潔に表現しています。命令形の「Take a look」が読者に対する呼びかけとなり、「once」と「now」の対照が過去の繁栄と現在の荒廃を印象づけています。この文の構造により、ホテルがかつて王族やセレブに愛されたが、今では見捨てられた場所となっている情景が強調されています。
royalty [ ROI-uhl-tee ]
derelict [ DER-uh-likt ]
celebrities [ suh-LEB-ri-tees ]
derelict – not cared for and are in bad condition
dignitary [ DIG-ni-ter-ee ]
dɪg nɪˌtɛr I
disrepair [ dis-ri-PAIR ]
luster [ LUHS-ter ]
Personalized FEEDBACK
derelict – not cared for and are in bad condition
once – something that was true or existed at a particular point in the past but is no longer the case
You said: I think there are many five-star around here. Better: I think there are many five-star hotels around here.
You said: I can’t find anybody in it. Better: I don’t have anyone to go there with.
You said: I dislike dress up. I like T-shirt. Better: I dislike dressing up and prefer to wear a T-shirt instead.
“I understand that good hotel service is great, but if I’m spending the same amount, I’d rather enjoy some good food.”
The food at five-star hotels is delicious, but since I can’t relax while eating, it doesn’t taste as good to me.
Posted November 15, 2024
Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
dignitary / ˈdɪg nɪˌtɛr I / (n.) – a person who has an important position in a government or organization Example:
The mayor invited several dignitaries, including national and local leaders, to the city’s special event.
disrepair / ˌdɪs rɪˈpɛər / (n.) – the state of being broken or not in good condition Example:
The once beautiful castle fell into disrepair after being abandoned for many years.
luster / ˈlʌs tər / (n.) – the good and attractive quality of something that makes it special or admired Example:
The once popular band lost its luster after several years, and people stopped talking about them.
relic / ˈrɛl ɪk / (n.) – something, such as an object, tradition, or system, from the past, especially from a particular time or place Example:
The old train station is a relic of the early 20th century, showing us what travel looked like before airplanes became popular.
tremendously / trɪˈmɛn dəs li / (adv.) – in a way that is very great or extreme in amount or level Example:
The new restaurant in town has been tremendously popular, with long lines of customers all day long.
Read the text below.
Hotel Yugoslavia was once the top place to stay for celebrities and dignitaries visiting Belgrade. Now, it’s fallen into disrepair, but a plan to replace it with a modern hotel is causing controversy.
The hotel in the Serbian capital was a favorite gathering place for local officials and world leaders, but has fallen into disrepair since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.
Built in the 1960s, the modernist structure has lost its former luster. Its facade is marred by crumbling concrete and graffiti. Inside, debris covers once-pristine floors. Faded velvet sofas, torn mattresses, and broken windows are all that remain of the luxury that once characterized the establishment in its prime.
As Belgrade experiences rapid growth, marked by new high-rise developments, the hotel’s fate has sparked controversy. Some view it as a relic worth preserving. Others see opportunities for redevelopment.
Opened in 1969, Hotel Yugoslavia was a five-star destination. It featured one of the world’s largest chandeliers, made of 40,000 Swarovski crystals and 5,000 bulbs. The hotel hosted international celebrities, including Queen Elizabeth II, US Presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, and astronaut Neil Armstrong.
Private investors have now announced plans for its demolition and redevelopment. The new project will feature two 150-meter (500-foot) towers. These will include a luxury hotel, offices, and private apartments, according to the investors.
Zivorad Vasic, a spokesman for the investors, explained the need for complete demolition. “There are a couple of reasons for it, and that’s very important,” he says. “One is during the bombing in 1999, quite a lot of parts of the hotel were destroyed. Second, the hospitality industry completely and tremendously changed.”
Architect and tour guide Matija Zlatanovic says plans for the new hotel are “controversial.”
Residents living near the planned construction site aren’t happy either and some are joining weekly protests.
“Hotel Yugoslavia represents a huge part of our history,” says protester Svetlana Gojun. “Half the world came to this hotel, from actors, musicians, politicians, writers. Everyone is tied to this hotel. The whole world knows about that hotel. And now we will allow something like that to disappear?”
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
The historic Hotel Yugoslavia has now fallen into disrepair, but not all agree with its redevelopment. Do you think it’s important to preserve historic buildings, even in poor condition? Why? If you lived in Belgrade, would you support the renovation? Why or why not? Discuss.
Do you think buildings that were popular in the past, like Hotel Yugoslavia, still have the same value today? Why or why not? What should be done to historic buildings (ex. restore them, preserve them)? Discuss.
Discussion B
What are your thoughts on replacing old buildings with modern ones? Is it always positive? Why or why not? How do large development projects impact nearby communities? Discuss.
What relics from your country should be preserved? Why? Will these relics remain valuable in the future? Why or why not? Discuss.
A talking dodo leads a new AI experiment at a zoology museum
AI experiment?
Step 1: Full Translation
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
A (冠詞) – 定冠詞、「話をするドードー」を特定または一般的な存在として示す。
talking (動詞から派生した形容詞) – ドードーの性質を示し、「話をする」という意味。
dodo (名詞、主語) – 絶滅した鳥であり、この文の主要な存在(S = 主語)。
leads (動詞、V = 動詞) – 「主導する」という意味で、主語の行動を表す。
a (冠詞) – 定冠詞、「新たなAI実験」を不特定なものとして示す。
new (形容詞) – 「新しい」という意味で、実験の性質を修飾。
AI experiment (名詞句、目的語) – 主語(ドードー)が関わる実験を表す(O = 目的語)。
at (前置詞) – 場所の前置詞で、場所を示す。
a (冠詞) – 定冠詞、「動物学博物館」を不特定なものとして示す。
zoology museum (名詞句、前置詞句の目的語) – 実験の行われる場所(場所を示す目的語)。
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation
文全体の構造は「主語(S: talking dodo) + 動詞(V: leads) + 目的語(O: new AI experiment)+ 前置詞句(at a zoology museum)」という形で、主語が新しいAI実験を主導するという内容です。この文の中で、主語の特徴として「話をする」という形容詞が使われています。また、「動物学博物館で」実験が行われるという文の背景情報が提供されており、状況を明示しています。
Posted November 13, 2024
Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
sighting / ˈsaɪ tɪŋ / (n.) – an occasion when something or someone that is rare, unusual, or difficult to see is seen
The scientists are excited because of the sighting of the endangered tiger.
endangered ?
Step 1: Full Translation
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation
この文は「主語(S: scientists)+ 動詞(V: are)+ 補語(C: excited)+ 前置詞句(because of the sighting of the endangered tiger)」の構造です。科学者たちは絶滅危惧種の虎を目撃したことにより興奮しており、「because of」でその理由が明示されています。この文は、科学者たちの感情が特定の出来事(絶滅危惧種の虎の目撃)によって引き起こされていることを伝えています。
drive / draɪv / (v.) – to cause something to happen or to put someone or something into a certain situation or condition, which is usually unpleasant
Rising costs have driven small businesses to close down because they can’t keep up.
small businesses (名詞句、目的語) – 動作の影響を受ける対象(O = 目的語)。
to close down (不定詞句) – 結果や目的を表す表現で、企業が閉業することを示す。
because (接続詞) – 理由を導き、次の節でその理由を説明。
they (代名詞、主語) – 前に出てきた「小規模企業」を指す(S = 主語)。
can’t (助動詞 + 否定) – 能力の否定を示し、「できない」ことを表現。
keep up (動詞句) – 「追いつく」という意味で、企業が持続できない状況を示す(V = 動詞)。
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation
この文は「主語(S: Rising costs)+ 動詞(have driven)+ 目的語(O: small businesses)+ 不定詞句(to close down)+ because節(they can’t keep up)」の構造で、コストの上昇が小規模企業に閉業を余儀なくさせている理由を説明しています。「because節」により、企業がコストの上昇に追いつけないために閉業に追い込まれているという因果関係が明確に示されています。
pleasantry / ˈplɛz ən tri / (n.) – a polite greeting that people usually say to help make other people feel comfortable
The managers often exchange pleasantries before starting the meeting.
A that B
Step 1: Full Translation
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
a (冠詞) – 不定冠詞、「丁寧な挨拶」を一般的なものとして示す。
polite (形容詞) – 「丁寧な」という意味で、挨拶の性質を示す。
greeting (名詞) – 主語として、挨拶自体を表現。
that (関係代名詞) – 関係詞として後続の説明を導き、「挨拶」がどのようなものかを補足。
people (名詞、主語) – 一般的な「人々」を指し、この文での主体を表す(S = 主語)。
usually (副詞) – 「通常」という意味で、行動の頻度を修飾。
say (動詞) – 「言う」という意味で、人々の行為を表現(V = 動詞)。
to help (不定詞句) – 目的を示し、「他の人を助ける」目的があることを説明。
make (動詞) – 「させる」という意味で、他者の状態を変化させる行為を表す(V = 動詞)。
other people (名詞句) – 行動の受け手であり、「他の人々」を指す(O = 目的語)。
feel (動詞) – 感情の状態を指し、「感じる」ことを示す。
comfortable (形容詞) – 「安心した」という意味で、「他の人々」が感じる状態を示す。
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation
この文の構造は「主語(S: a polite greeting)+ that節(that people usually say)+ to不定詞句(to help make other people feel comfortable)」で構成されています。主語である「丁寧な挨拶」が他人を安心させるために用いられる表現であることを説明し、また「通常人々が言う」という頻度や目的も明示しています。
“that people usually say to help make other people feel comfortable” “that” は関係代名詞として、先行詞である “a polite greeting” を修飾します。つまり、この関係代名詞節は「どのような丁寧な挨拶か」を説明し、具体的に「他人を安心させるために人々が通常言うもの」を指しています。
“that” 以下の内容 (“people usually say to help make other people feel comfortable”) は、挨拶の性質や機能を説明する追加情報です。この場合、「丁寧な挨拶」という一般的な概念に対し、「他の人を安心させるために通常使われる」という限定的な意味を付与しています。
B (節) = “people usually say to help make other people feel comfortable”
この節内での文の構造は、主語 (S: people) + 動詞 (V: say) + 目的語(help make other people feel comfortable) という形で、完全な文の構造が成り立っています。さらに、“to help make other people feel comfortable” は 目的を表す不定詞句として機能し、主節の内容を補足しています。
このように、関係代名詞節 B では完全な文の要素(主語・動詞など)が保持されており、それが A(先行詞)に対して「どのようなものか」を限定的に説明する役割を担っています。
A = Bで塊=塊 と完全なものの結びつけですね?
はい、まさにその通りです。A = B の構造で、「塊=塊」として完全なもの同士の結びつけが成り立っています。
A (名詞句の塊) = “a polite greeting”(丁寧な挨拶)
B (関係代名詞節の塊) = “that people usually say to help make other people feel comfortable”(他の人を安心させるために通常人々が言うもの)
この構造は、Aという名詞句の塊が、Bという関係代名詞節の塊と結びつけられ、「このような挨拶」だと限定して具体化しています。AとBはそれぞれ独立した意味の塊でありながら、A = B の関係で結びつけられることにより、「丁寧な挨拶とは、他の人を安心させるために通常言われるもの」という明確なイメージが形成されます。
specimen / ˈspɛs ə mən / (n.) – an example of something such as an animal or plant that is collected to be displayed or analyzed
The spider specimen was placed in a glass case and displayed in the museum.
trial / ˈtraɪ əl / (v.) – to test something’s quality, value, or usefulness in a formal way or method
The new app is being trialed by selected users to see if the features work well.
Read the text below.
The last confirmed sighting of a dodo was in the 17th century. But at the Cambridge Museum of Zoology, it is speaking again. These are the skeletal remains of a bird that was extinct by the 1680s—and is one of the first animals humans realized they had driven to extinction.
But now it is chatting away, answering anything and everything in a natural conversation.
Using AI technology, visitors to the museum can talk to the dodo using their smart devices.
It responds to pleasantries, it can explain how it was driven to extinction when sailors arrived at its Mauritius home, and even considers ethical questions like whether it would like to be cloned back into existence by scientists.
Jack Ashby, assistant director of the Museum of Zoology Cambridge, thinks AI provides a new way for visitors to interact with its exhibits.
He says, “Museums generally choose what to tell people, but in this way they can ask whatever they like and that’s really, really valuable, I think. They can have an actual conversation with an animal, with a specimen, and I think brings it to life in a really different way than a normal museum exhibit might.”
There are 12 other animal specimens featured in the project, each with its own unique voice.
Jack Ashby says, “When I started working with the Nature Perspectives platform, I was just asking factual questions. But because the animal’s personality comes across really quickly, you end up having an actual conversation where you’re asking more about feelings, you’re asking anything fun. You could ask how its day was or what it had for breakfast. You can have a proper conversation. And I think that it’s a different way of engaging. And it’s much more real, I think, than most information we get in museums.”
The AI technology is provided by Nature Perspectives, an international tech-education company founded by Cambridge graduates who studied together on a Master’s of Conservation Leadership program.
The technology is being trialed for a month, and the museum will then analyze the response and the types of conversations it generates.
The Nature Perspectives AI experiment runs from 15 October until 15 November 2024.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
What do you think about the AI technology that allows people to talk to extinct animals? Would you like to talk to an extinct animal using AI? Why or why not? If you were to talk with an extinct animal, like the dodo, what questions would you ask? Why? Discuss.
How do you think talking to extinct animals through the use of AI technology affects science education, environmental education, and history education? What do you think is the importance of this technology? Discuss.
Discussion B
The AI dodo talks about whether it would want to be cloned back to life. Do you think scientists should try to bring extinct animals back? Why or why not? How do you think people might react if an extinct animal were brought back to life? Discuss.
How do you think bringing back extinct animals might help or hurt the environment? Discuss.