Leaders of the eight provinces held a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to discuss what he calls a world-first national approach that would make platforms including X, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook responsible for enforcing the age limit.
Leaders of the eight provinces
Leaders: 指導者たち
of: ~の
the eight provinces: 8つの州
意味: 8つの州の指導者たち
held a virtual meeting
held: 開催した(holdの過去形)
a virtual meeting: オンライン会議
意味: オンライン会議を開催した
with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
with: ~と一緒に
Prime Minister: 首相
Anthony Albanese: (人名)アンソニー・アルバニージ
意味: 首相アンソニー・アルバニージと一緒に
to discuss what he calls a world-first national approach
to: ~するために
discuss: 話し合う
what he calls: 彼が~と呼ぶもの
a world-first national approach: 世界初の全国的取り組み
意味: 彼が「世界初の全国的取り組み」と呼ぶものについて話し合うために
that would make platforms including X, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook responsible
that: ~する(関係代名詞)
would make: ~させるだろう(仮定法)
platforms: プラットフォーム
including X, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook: X(旧Twitter)、TikTok、Instagram、Facebookを含む
“Social media is doing social harm to our young Australians,” Albanese told reporters. “The safety and mental health of our young people has to be a priority.”
1. “Social media is doing social harm to our young Australians”
Social media: ソーシャルメディア(SNSなど)
is doing: ~をしている(現在進行形)
social harm: 社会的害
to: ~に対して
our young Australians: 私たちの若いオーストラリア人
意味: ソーシャルメディアは私たちの若いオーストラリア人に社会的害を与えている。
2. Albanese told reporters
Albanese: アルバニージ(人名)
told: 言った(tellの過去形)
reporters: 記者たち
意味: アルバニージは記者たちに語った。
3. “The safety and mental health of our young people has to be a priority.”
The legislation was introduced into Parliament, and the age ban will take effect a year after it passes into law, giving platforms time to work out how to exclude children. The government has yet to offer a technical solution.
The delay is also intended to allow time to address privacy concerns around age verification.
1. The legislation was introduced into Parliament
The legislation: 法案
was introduced: 導入された
into Parliament: 議会に
意味: その法案は議会に導入された。
2. and the age ban will take effect a year after it passes into law
and: ~そして
the age ban: 年齢制限
will take effect: 効力を発するだろう
a year after: ~の1年後に
it passes into law: それが法律として可決される
意味: 年齢制限は、法律として可決された1年後に効力を発するだろう。
3. giving platforms time to work out how to exclude children
giving: 与える(現在分詞)
platforms: プラットフォーム
time to work out: 解決する時間
how to exclude children: 子どもを排除する方法
意味: プラットフォームに子どもを排除する方法を解決する時間を与える。
4. The government has yet to offer a technical solution
The government: 政府
has yet to: まだ~していない
offer a technical solution: 技術的な解決策を提供する
意味: 政府はまだ技術的な解決策を提示していない。
5. The delay is also intended to allow time to address privacy concerns around age verification
The main opposition party has given in principle support to the 16-year age limit since it was announced, suggesting the legislation will pass the Senate.
1. The main opposition party
The main: 主要な
opposition party: 野党
意味: 主要野党
2. has given in principle support to the 16-year age limit
has given: 与えた(現在完了形)
in principle: 原則として
support: 支持
to the 16-year age limit: 16歳の年齢制限に
意味: 原則として16歳の年齢制限を支持している。
3. since it was announced
since: ~以来
it was announced: それが発表された(受動態)
意味: それが発表されて以来
4. suggesting the legislation will pass the Senate
More than 140 academics with expertise in fields related to technology and child welfare signed an open letter to Albanese last October opposing a social media age limit as “too blunt an instrument to address risks effectively.”
1. More than 140 academics with expertise
More than: ~以上
140 academics: 140人以上の学者
with expertise: 専門知識を持つ
意味: 専門知識を持つ140人以上の学者
2. in fields related to technology and child welfare
in fields: 分野において
related to: ~に関連する
technology: 技術
child welfare: 子どもの福祉
意味: 技術および子どもの福祉に関連する分野において
3. signed an open letter to Albanese last October
signed: 署名した
an open letter: 公開書簡
to Albanese: アルバニージ宛の
last October: 昨年の10月
意味: 昨年10月にアルバニージ宛の公開書簡に署名した
4. opposing a social media age limit
opposing: 反対する
a social media age limit: ソーシャルメディアの年齢制限
意味: ソーシャルメディアの年齢制限に反対して
5. as “too blunt an instrument to address risks effectively”
Critics say most teenagers are tech-savvy enough to get around such laws. Some fear the ban will create conflicts within families and drive social media problems underground.
1. Critics say most teenagers are tech-savvy enough to get around such laws
Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, argues that stronger tools in app stores and operating systems for parents to control what apps their children can use would be a “simple and effective solution.”
1. Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram
Meta: メタ(企業名)
which: ~である(関係代名詞)
owns: 所有している
Facebook and Instagram: FacebookとInstagram
意味: FacebookとInstagramを所有しているメタ
2. argues that stronger tools in app stores and operating systems
argues that: ~と主張する
stronger tools: より強力なツール
in app stores and operating systems: アプリストアとオペレーティングシステム内の
意味: アプリストアとオペレーティングシステム内のより強力なツールを主張している
3. for parents to control what apps their children can use
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Australia is banning the use of social media among young people to ensure safety. Do you think an age limit on social media is enough to keep young people safe? Why or why not? In your country, would an age limit on social media help or cause more problems? Why do you say so? Discuss.
Aside from a ban or age limit, how else can the government make social media safer for young users? Discuss.
Discussion B
Albanese said, “Social media is doing social harm to our young Australians.” What do you think his statement meant? Do you agree that social media is doing social harm to the youth? Why or why not? Discuss.
More than 140 academics in fields related to technology and child welfare signed an open letter to Albanese opposing a social media age limit. Why do you think these experts oppose the ban? If a ban like this were proposed in your country, would you agree or disagree with it? Why? Discuss.
この文の動詞 help は 他動詞 として機能し、文型は SVO です。ただし、目的語が省略されているため、表面的には動詞が「自動詞」のように見えることがあります。
I didn’t feel smalling lean meet, but feel strong small of head and born broth in my memory.
I didn’t smell lean meat, but I remember the strong smell of head and bone broth.
I did not detect any smell from the lean meat, but I remember the boiled head bones and such had a somewhat strong odor.
赤身肉は匂いを感じませんでしたが,頭の骨などを煮込んだものは,やや匂いが強かった記憶があります. を上では,以下のように訳してもらいましたが, 上記の文章とくらべ,どちらのほうがよりわかりやすいですか I did not detect any smell from the lean meat, but I remember the boiled head bones and such had a somewhat strong odor.
My grand parents drank bone marrow Soup because of their beliving that’s Health and Vitality, but it’s difficult to take the soup for peaple who taste that.
Corrected Sentence
My grandparents drank bone marrow soup because they believed it had health and vitality benefits, but it is difficult for people who dislike its taste to consume it.
“grand parents” → “grandparents”:
スペルミスを修正しました。正しい形は grandparents です。
“Soup” → “soup”:
“beliving” → “believed”:
beliving はスペルミスで、文の時制に合わせて過去形の believed を使用しました。
“that’s Health and Vitality” → “it had health and vitality benefits”:
より自然で意味が明確な表現に変更しました。that’s の代わりに具体的な内容 (it had health and vitality benefits) を示しています。
“peaple” → “people”:
“who taste that” → “who dislike its taste”:
「その味が苦手な人」という意味を明確にするために dislike its taste を使用しました。
“take the soup” → “consume it”:
「飲む」という意味で consume を使うとより自然な表現になります。
Believing in its health and vitality benefits, my grandparents used to make and drink bone marrow soup, but I think those who are not fond of it would find it difficult to drink.
1. 提示された文:
Believing in its health and vitality benefits, my grandparents used to make and drink bone marrow soup, but I think those who are not fond of it would find it difficult to drink.
分詞構文 (Believing in…) を使うことで、理由を簡潔かつ自然に表現している。
“those who are not fond of it” という表現が柔らかく、丁寧な印象を与える。
過去の習慣を示す “used to”:
2. 今回の添削文:
My grandparents drank bone marrow soup because they believed it had health and vitality benefits, but it is difficult for people who dislike its taste to consume it.
原因を示す “because” を使い、分かりやすい文構造になっている。
“people who dislike its taste” とすることで、「味が嫌い」という具体的な理由を明確に示している。
“it is difficult for people” と現在形を使い、普遍的な真実として書かれている。
添削してください. we are accustomed of smell of beaf and pork, so it is difficult to small it. but it is sensityvity to small other kind of meat.
Corrected Sentence
We are accustomed to the smell of beef and pork, so it is difficult to notice it. However, we are sensitive to the smell of other kinds of meat.
“accustomed of” → “accustomed to”:
Accustomed は「to」と一緒に使うのが正しい表現です。
“beaf” → “beef”:
Beef のスペルミスを修正しました。
“small it” → “notice it”:
匂いを感じ取る文脈では、smell よりも notice の方が適切です。
“sensityvity to small” → “sensitive to the smell”:
“sensityvity” はスペルミスで、正しくは sensitive(敏感な)。
smell を名詞として使用し、文意を明確にしました。
“other kind of meat” → “other kinds of meat”:
「他の種類の肉」を表現する場合、複数形の kinds が自然です。
“but” を However に変更して文全体の流れを滑らかにしました。
比較 I think we have become accustomed to the smell of beef and pork, making it difficult to detect, but we are sensitive to the smells of different types of meat.
1. 提示された文
I think we have become accustomed to the smell of beef and pork, making it difficult to detect, but we are sensitive to the smells of different types of meat.
I think we have become accustomed と現在完了形を用いて、状況が時間をかけて形成されたことを表現。
making it difficult to detect という分詞構文が使われており、スムーズに文をつなげている。
“the smells of different types of meat” で、複数の種類の肉の匂いに敏感であることを正確に表現。
“I think” を入れることで個人の意見を前面に出している。
2. 添削後の文
We are accustomed to the smell of beef and pork, so it is difficult to notice it. However, we are sensitive to the smell of other kinds of meat.
主語が “we” と短く、文全体がシンプルな構成。
“so it is difficult to notice it” という基本的な因果関係で明快。
“so” や “However” でカジュアルかつ自然な流れを維持。
“the smell of other kinds of meat” で単数形を選択し、一般的な表現に寄せている。
添削願います. I heard that wild boar’s small don’t become smally bad, if we immediaterly hang and bleed that properly in refrigerator, it is important to bleed in cold place as soon as hanting that. その後,以下と比較 I heard that wild boar, when hunted and then bled while hanging in a refrigerator, does not become smelly. It seems crucial to bleed it in a cold place immediately.
Corrected Sentence
I heard that the smell of wild boar does not become unpleasant if we immediately hang and properly bleed it in a refrigerator. It is important to bleed it in a cold place as soon as it is hunted.
“wild boar’s small” → “the smell of wild boar”:
所有格の使い方が不自然だったため、「wild boar の匂い」を the smell of wild boar に修正。
“don’t become smally bad” → “does not become unpleasant”:
「臭くなる」を自然な英語にするために unpleasant を使用。
“immediaterly” → “immediately”:
“hang and bleed that properly” → “hang and properly bleed it”:
“in refrigerator” → “in a refrigerator”:
冠詞 “a” を追加して文法的に正確に。
“as soon as hanting that” → “as soon as it is hunted”:
1. 提示された文
I heard that wild boar, when hunted and then bled while hanging in a refrigerator, does not become smelly. It seems crucial to bleed it in a cold place immediately.
分詞構文 (when hunted and then bled while hanging) を用いることで、文を簡潔かつ高度にまとめている。
2. 修正版の文
I heard that the smell of wild boar does not become unpleasant if we immediately hang and properly bleed it in a refrigerator. It is important to bleed it in a cold place as soon as it is hunted.
starvation / stɑrˈveɪ ʃən / (n.) – the condition of not having enough food to eat for a long time, which can cause serious health problems or death
In some parts of the world, people face starvation because they don’t have access to enough food or clean water.
stalker / ˈstɔ kər / (n.) – a person who quietly follows animals in the wild to hunt them
The stalker carefully moved through the forest, trying not to make a sound so the deer wouldn’t hear him.
Read the text below.
Some people advocate humane deer management: the culling of deer to control their numbers and ensure they don’t overrun forests and farmland in a country where they no longer have natural predators. For these advocates, shooting deer is much more than a sport. It’s a necessity because England’s deer population has gotten out of control.
There are now more deer in England than at any other time in the last 1,000 years, according to the Forestry Commission, the government department looking after England’s public woodland.
England’s public woodland: 「イングランドの公有林」を指します。公共の森林地帯であり、政府や公共機関によって保護・運営されているエリアです。
That has had a devastating impact on the environment, officials say. Excessive deer foraging damages large areas of woodland including young trees, as well as the habitats of certain birds like robins. Some landowners have lost huge amounts of crops to deer, and overpopulation means that the mammals are more likely to suffer from starvation and disease.
Forestry experts and businesses argue that culling the deer—and supplying the meat to consumers—is a double win: It helps rebalance the ecosystem and provides a low-fat, sustainable protein.
Forestry experts argue that culling the deer is necessary.
She argued for stricter environmental laws.
They argued about the best way to solve the problem.
The siblings argued over who should clean the room.
Argument (名詞): 議論、論拠、主張
He presented a strong argument for the new policy.
Arguable (形容詞): 議論の余地がある、主張できる
It is arguable whether this method will succeed.
Argue は、内容が必ずしも対立的である必要はなく、主張や説得の文脈でも使われます。
While venison—a red meat similar to lean beef but with an earthier flavor—is often perceived as a high-end food in the U.K., one charity sees it as an ideal protein for those who can’t afford to buy other meats.
“Why not utilize that fantastic meat to feed people in need?” said SJ Hunt, chief executive of The Country Food Trust, which distributes meals made with wild venison to food banks.
「その素晴らしい鹿肉を困っている人々に食べさせるために活用してはどうでしょうか?」と、野生の鹿肉で作られた食事をフードバンクに配布している団体「The Country Food Trust」の最高責任者であるSJハント氏は述べました。
utilize , fantastic ,
品詞: 動詞
意味: 活用する、利用する(特に効果的に使うというニュアンス)
We should utilize available resources more efficiently.
The company utilized cutting-edge technology to improve production.
use よりもフォーマルで、特定の目的や効果を強調したいときに使われます。
品詞: 形容詞
意味: 素晴らしい、すごい(カジュアルな表現)
You did a fantastic job on this project!
That was a fantastic meal.
The government says native wild deer play a role in healthy forest ecosystems, but acknowledges that their population needs managing. It provides some funding for solutions such as building deer fences.
Healthy forest ecosystems are essential for biodiversity.
品詞: 動詞
意味: 認める、承認する、認識する
The report acknowledges the challenges of climate change.
He acknowledges his mistake and promised to fix it.
品詞: 名詞(複数形) / 動詞
意味: フェンス、囲い / 囲いを作る
Deer fences help protect crops from wildlife.
They fenced the area to keep the animals out.
But experts like Martin Edwards, a spokesman for the British Association for Shooting and Conservation, believe lethal control is the only effective option, especially after deer populations surged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shooting deer is legal but strictly regulated in England. Stalkers must have a license, use certain kinds of firearms, and observe open seasons. They also need a valid reason, such as when a landowner authorizes them to kill the deer when their land is damaged. Hunting deer with packs of dogs is illegal.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Forestry experts and businesses say that culling deer and giving the meat to consumers is a double win. Do you agree with them? Why or why not? Discuss.
What do you think about the idea of culling deer to control their numbers (ex. it’s cruel, it’s necessary)? Do you think it’s better for people to hunt deer, or should predators be reintroduced to let nature take its course? Why? Discuss.
Discussion B
What do you think about the strict regulations for hunting deer in England? Do you think hunting regulations are effective in balancing the deer population? Why or why not? Discuss.
Why do you think it is important to maintain a balance in the ecosystem? How can human activities help or harm the natural balance of wildlife populations? Discuss.
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
feisty / ˈfaɪ sti / (adj.) – very lively, active, bold, and full of determination
The feisty chicken did everything to protect its eggs from other animals.
very lively: とても元気で生き生きしている
active: 活発で行動的
bold: 大胆で勇敢
full of determination: 決意に満ちている、意志が強い
Determination の意味
例: Her determination to succeed inspired everyone.
例: The determination of the cause of the accident took months.
例: The determination of the angle required precise measurements.
ラテン語 determinare(境界を定める、限定する)に由来します。
in a row / ɪn ə roʊ / (idiom) – happening many times, one after another without a break
The top team won five games in a row.
attribute / ˈæ trəˌbyut / (n.) – a quality or characteristic of someone or something, usually positive
He has many attributes that make him a good manager.
pollinate / ˈpɒl əˌneɪt / (v.) – to carry or transfer very fine powder from a male part of the flower to the female part of another flower of the same kind
Bees play an important role in pollinating flowers and crops.
misunderstood / ˌmɪs ʌn dərˈstʊd / (adj.) – not correctly understood; thought of incorrectly
His quiet personality made him a misunderstood person in a very loud and active group.
Read the text below.
A winged creature from Oregon was crowned this year’s winner in an annual bat beauty contest put on by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
On Halloween, which was also the last day of International Bat Week, a hoary bat with a feisty personality named “Hoary Potter” defeated “Lestat,” the western small-footed bat from Idaho, in the final round of the contest. It also bested a Townsend’s big-eared bat named “Sir Flaps-A-Lot” from Utah, among others.
On Halloween
which was also the last day of International Bat Week
a hoary bat with a feisty personality named “Hoary Potter”
defeated “Lestat,” the western small-footed bat from Idaho
in the final round of the contest
It also bested a Townsend’s big-eared bat named “Sir Flaps-A-Lot” from Utah
The victory marks the third year in a row that a bat from Oregon has taken first place in the contest. Last year, “William ShakespEAR,” a female Townsend’s big-eared bat from southern Oregon took the title. In 2022, a canyon bat named “Barbara” also from southern Oregon was declared the winner.
The victory marks the third year in a row
that a bat from Oregon has taken first place in the contest
Last year, “William ShakespEAR,” a female Townsend’s big-eared bat from southern Oregon took the title
“third year in a row”(3年連続)はネイティブでよく使われるフレーズで、自然な流れで状況を説明しています。
The federal agency has held the competition since 2019 to raise awareness about the animal’s ecological importance. The bats are part of wild populations living on public lands, and are photographed by agency staff. BLM posted the photos on its Facebook and Instagram accounts, and asked people to vote for the cutest one.
The federal agency has held the competition since 2019
to raise awareness about the animal’s ecological importance
The bats are part of wild populations living on public lands
and are photographed by agency staff
BLM posted the photos on its Facebook and Instagram accounts
Hoary bats are known for swift flight and wrapping themselves in their own tails to mimic leaves and to hide from predators, the agency said. Because of this attribute, it estimated Hoary Potter would be “the perfect candidate for seeker on this year’s Quidditch team,” referring to the game in Harry Potter that is played on flying brooms.
Hoary bats are known for swift flight
are known for: ~で知られている
swift flight: 速い飛行
and wrapping themselves in their own tails
wrapping themselves: 自分自身を包むこと
in their own tails: 自分の尾の中で
to mimic leaves and to hide from predators
to mimic leaves: 葉を模倣する
to hide from predators: 捕食者から隠れる
the agency said
the agency: その機関
said: 言った
Because of this attribute, it estimated
because of this attribute: この特性のために
it estimated: それは推定した
Hoary Potter would be “the perfect candidate for seeker on this year’s Quidditch team”
the perfect candidate: 完璧な候補者
seeker on this year’s Quidditch team: 今年のクィディッチチームのシーカー
referring to the game in Harry Potter that is played on flying brooms
Emma Busk, the BLM wildlife technician who photographed Hoary Potter, said bats play a key role in the environment by eating insects and pollinating flowers and fruits. But they’re increasingly facing the threats of habitat loss, disease and light pollution, and are often misunderstood as scary disease carriers, she said.
Emma Busk, the BLM wildlife technician who photographed Hoary Potter
BLM: アメリカ土地管理局
wildlife technician: 野生生物技術者
who photographed Hoary Potter: ホーリー・ポッターを撮影した
said bats play a key role in the environment
play a key role: 重要な役割を果たす
in the environment: 環境の中で
by eating insects and pollinating flowers and fruits
eating insects: 昆虫を食べること
pollinating flowers and fruits: 花や果物に受粉すること
But they’re increasingly facing the threats of habitat loss, disease and light pollution
increasingly: ますます
facing the threats of: ~の脅威に直面している
habitat loss: 生息地の喪失
disease: 病気
light pollution: 光害
and are often misunderstood as scary disease carriers, she said
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
According to Emma Busk, bats are often misunderstood as scary disease carriers. How do you think people can learn the truth about bats? What would happen if people continued to misunderstand facts about animals? Why is it important to understand animals’ roles in the environment? Discuss.
Have you ever had a wrong idea or information about an animal? Why do you think some people often misunderstand facts about animals? Discuss.
Discussion B
The BLM organizes a bat beauty contest to teach people about bats’ importance. Do you think such unique contests can help people become more aware of animals and appreciate them more? Why or why not? What else can government agencies do to increase awareness about the ecological importance of different animals? Discuss.
What are your thoughts on using beauty contests to support animal welfare or environmental conservation? If animal beauty contests exist in your country, would people be interested and support them? Why or why not? Discuss.
on track (prepositional phrase, complement) 補語: 正しい進行状況にある状態を示す
Read the text below.
It’s no surprise that students are pushing back on cellphone bans in classrooms. But school administrators in one South Florida county working to pull students’ eyes away from their screens are facing some resistance from another group as well—parents.
Since the beginning of the 2024 school year in August, students in Broward County Public Schools, the country’s sixth largest district, have been barred from using cellphones during the school day, including during lunch and breaks, unless given special permission.
The schools are some of the many across the country wrestling with how to crack down on cellphones, at a time when experts say social media use among young people is nearly universal—and that screen time is linked to higher rates of anxiety and depression among kids.
But a survey sent out by the South Florida school district earlier this fall found that of the more than 70,000 students, teachers, and parents surveyed, nearly one in five parents believe the cellphone ban is having a negative impact on their student’s well-being.
文脈では、sent out は調査を保護者や関係者に広く配布したことを表し、district はこの調査を行った南フロリダの学区を特定しています。また、well-being は携帯電話禁止が学生に与える影響の評価基準として使われており、特にネガティブな影響を感じている保護者の意見を反映しています。
Among the top concerns for the students and parents surveyed is not being able to communicate with their family members, especially in an emergency—an anxiety that cuts deep in the district that’s home to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where a 2018 shooting killed 17 people.
この文では、Among が懸念が共有されている対象(生徒や保護者)を特定し、cuts deep in が、特定の学区(マージョリー・ストーンマン・ダグラス高校を擁する地域)においてその不安が特に深刻であることを表しています。事件の記憶が地域住民に与える強い感情的影響を強調しています。
District officials have said students can use their phones during an emergency and that teachers have the flexibility to grant kids access for other reasons too.
この文では district officials が主語であり、「学区の当局者(管理者)」を指します。具体的には、学区内の教育政策や規則を定める責任を持つ組織またはその代表者を示しています。
この文脈での district は、携帯電話の利用に関する規則を定め、柔軟性を持たせる権限を有する教育管理区域を表しています。特に、南フロリダの学区を指していると考えられます。
“We’re really talking about giving kids tools during those times when they need it,” she added, including letting students use their phones for “positive mental health purposes.”
Officials in the Fort Lauderdale-area district have acknowledged that implementation of the policy has been inconsistent. Some teachers have struggled to monitor students’ phone use, and are facing the reality that for some kids, phones can be a needed tool to access online lessons and turn in assignments, especially for those who don’t have a school-issued laptop. And parents have argued their students are better off with their phones, helping them coordinate afternoon pickup times or text their parents for advice about a school bully.
the reality that: 「~という現実」を指す複合句。具体的な内容(some kids …)が that 以下で説明されています。
for some kids: 「一部の子どもにとって」という文脈を限定する句。
turn in assignments
意味: 「課題を提出する」。
turn in: 句動詞で「提出する」を意味します。
assignments: 名詞で「課題」「宿題」。
pickup times
意味: 「迎えの時間」。特に親が子どもを学校から迎えに行く時間を指します。
文法的役割: 名詞句で、「coordinate」(調整する)の目的として使われています。
school bully
意味: 「学校でのいじめっ子」「学校でいじめを行う生徒」。
school: 修飾語として「学校での」という意味を付加。
bully: 名詞で「いじめっ子」または「いじめ」を指します。
この文では、acknowledged が学区当局が方針の一貫性の欠如を認めたことを強調し、struggled が教師たちの苦労を表現しています。一部の子どもたちにとって携帯電話が学業上の重要なツールであるという現実(facing the reality that for some kids)を描写し、特にオンライン授業や課題提出(turn in assignments)のために必要であることを示しています。また、保護者にとっての実用的な利点(迎えの時間調整やいじめ相談など)を具体的に述べています。
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Why do you think some parents are against the cellphone ban in schools? How do you think a parent might feel if they can’t reach their child during the day? How important do you think it is for students to have access to communication during school hours? Discuss.
When do you think is the appropriate time for students to use their phones in school (ex. during recess, at all times)? Do you believe phones are necessary tools for learning, or can students go without them? Why? Discuss.
Discussion B
What challenges do you think schools face in enforcing cellphone bans? How difficult do you think it is for teachers to manage students’ phone use in class? Should teachers have the power to decide when phones can be used in the classroom? Why or why not? Discuss.
How important do you think it is for schools to have consistent rules about cellphone use? How might inconsistent rules cause problems between students, teachers, and parents? Discuss.
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
applaud / əˈplɔd / (v.) – to show support, agreement, or approval of something or someone
Many people applaud the new policy that makes education more accessible.
拍手する / 称賛する
Usage Examples
動詞: 拍手する
The audience applauded after the performance.
動詞: 称賛する
We applaud your hard work and dedication.
over the counter / ˈoʊ vər ðə ˈkaʊn tər / (adv.) – (of medicine and medical devices) bought in a store without having to show a doctor’s order
Vitamins and common cold medicines can be bought over the counter.
over the counter
店頭で / 市販の
Usage Examples
You can buy this product over the counter.
This medication is available over the counter.
personalized / ˈpɜr sə nlˌaɪzd / (adj.) – created or changed to meet a certain person’s needs or preferences
Each client receives a personalized workout and fitness plan from the gym instructor.
運動 / トレーニング
Usage Examples
名詞: 運動 / トレーニング
I did a quick workout this morning.
動詞(スラング的な使い方): 解決する
We need to workout this problem together.
(注: 動詞としての使用は「work out」が正確な形です。)
amplification / ˌæm plə fɪˈkeɪ ʃən / (n.) – the process of making sounds stronger or louder
Large venues need good speakers for better amplification of sound.
会場 / 場所 / 開催地
Usage Examples
The concert will be held at a large venue downtown.
This venue is perfect for weddings.
Tokyo was chosen as the venue for the next conference.
normalize / ˈnɔr məˌlaɪz / (v.) – to make something that is not normal become accepted as normal
Many employees are hoping to normalize working from home.
to make something that is not normal become accepted as normal
Social Example
The media often plays a role in making unusual behaviors become normalized.
Cultural Example
Campaigns are launched to make remote work a norm in modern companies.
Key Verb: Normalize (標準化する / 正常化する)
Read the text below.
Some Apple AirPod wireless headphones can be used as hearing aids with a new software update. It’s a high-profile move that experts applaud, even if they only reach a small portion of the millions of Americans with hearing loss.
It’s a high-profile move that experts applaud, even if they only reach a small portion of the millions of Americans with hearing loss.
that experts applaud: 関係代名詞節で「a high-profile move」を修飾。
It that構文ではない理由
It that構文は特定の要素を強調するために用いられますが、この文ではそのような強調の必要がありません。
「It’s a high-profile move」で主文が完結し、関係代名詞節(that experts applaud)は修飾として後付けされています。
It’s a high-profile move(主文)
It(仮主語)= a high-profile move(真主語)
that experts applaud(関係代名詞節)
修飾対象:a high-profile move
An estimated 30 million people—1 in 8 Americans over the age of 12—have hearing loss in both ears. Millions would benefit from hearing aids but most have never tried them, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
Countless others have tried them, but don’t use them
Countless others: 主語(S)、「無数の他の人々」。
have tried them: 動詞句(現在完了形)、主文の述語、「それらを試してきた」。
have: 助動詞(現在完了形)。
tried: 過去分詞、「試した」。
them: 目的語(O)、「それら」。
but don’t use them: 等位接続詞で結ばれた対比的な節、「しかし使用していない」。
but: 接続詞、「しかし」。
don’t use: 動詞句、「使用していない」。
don’t: 助動詞 + 否定、「〜しない」。
use: 動詞、「使用する」。
them: 目的語(O)、「それら」。
because of cost, poor quality, poor fit, how they look, or for other reasons
because of: 前置詞、「〜のために」。
cost: 名詞、「費用」。
poor quality: 名詞句、「品質の低さ」。
poor: 形容詞、「低い」。
quality: 名詞、「品質」。
poor fit: 名詞句、「装着感の悪さ」。
how they look: 名詞節、「見た目」。
how: 疑問副詞、「どのように」。
they look: 動詞句、「それらが見える」。
or for other reasons: 並列項目、「または他の理由」。
or: 等位接続詞、「または」。
for other reasons: 前置詞句、「他の理由のために」。
Over the past few years, there’s been a push to change that. Two years ago, federal rules changed to allow hearing aids to be sold over the counter, a move that many hoped would bring better and cheaper options to patients.
A deliberate action or decision taken to achieve a particular result.
例: a move to address the issue(問題に取り組むための動き)
Refers to an action that leads to progress or change.
例: a bold move(大胆な行動)
A strategic or policy-based decision.
例: a government move(政府の方針)
Example Sentence
The company’s move to reduce prices was well-received.
It’s unclear yet whether the rule change has helped, experts say. But turning AirPods into hearing aids is the kind of creative move advocates had hoped for.
擁護者 / 支持者 / 提唱者
Meaning and Usage
名詞 (Advocate)
擁護者 / 支持者: ある意見や政策、権利を支持する人。
例: An advocate for human rights(人権の擁護者)
弁護士: 法的に誰かを代弁する人(特にイギリス英語で使用される)。
動詞 (To advocate)
提唱する / 主張する: 特定の政策や意見を公に支持すること。
例: They advocate for better healthcare policies.
She is a passionate advocate for environmental protection.
The organization advocates improving education systems.
The hearing aid feature is available with AirPods Pro 2 models only and requires an iPhone or iPad to set it up. It starts with built-in tests that will help users determine if they have hearing loss, set up the feature if they do, and set personalizedamplification levels.
While there are many other earbud-type devices that can function the same way, experts agreed that the AirPods addition is a good one, simply because of the way it could help normalize hearing aids.
Devices that are small, portable, and fit snugly inside the ear canal.
例: earbud-type devices(イヤホン型のデバイス)
Example Sentence
Many people prefer earbud-type headphones for their compact design.
“It’s just mainstream,” said Barbara Kelley, executive director of Hearing Loss Association of America.
“It’s just mainstream,”
Contextual Usage
This phrase implies that something has become widely accepted or normal in society. It is often used to describe trends, behaviors, or products that are no longer niche or specialized.
“Hearing aids are becoming mainstream with devices like AirPods.”
例: the ubiquity of online shopping(オンラインショッピングの普及)
Example Sentences
The ubiquity of the internet has transformed how we communicate.
The ubiquity of fast food restaurants makes them hard to avoid.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Many people who need hearing aids don’t buy or use them because they are costly or uncomfortable to wear. How do you think the companies that produce hearing aids can help people experiencing these issues? Discuss.
I think manufacturing companies can provide products that are more tailored to individuals. However, I believe it is difficult to reduce the cost.
If a health device is uncomfortable and expensive but can help you improve your health condition, would you use it? Why or why not? Discuss.
I think I wouldn’t use such a device because it feels very stressful to me. Basically, wearing something uncomfortable makes me feel tired.
Discussion B
AirPods can now function similarly to hearing aids because of their new feature. What do you think about using regular technology, like headphones, for health purposes? Is it good for regular devices to have multiple uses, especially health-related ones? Why or why not? Discuss.
I think it’s a very good thing because such devices can be introduced at a low cost and can be easily replaced if they break. Considering the past, today’s general-purpose products are comparable to the specialized products of the past.
What do you think are the potential benefits and challenges of tech companies making health devices? Discuss.
I think there are many potential benefits. One advantage is that tech companies already possess a wealth of reusable technology. However, the challenges depend on whether clinical trials are necessary. In this regard, they are likely to face issues quickly, including legal challenges.
I also saw news questioning how an ordinary poor person can be arrested for stealing a 100-yen loaf of bread, yet someone who embezzles 1 billion yen goes unpunished.
Similarly, the word “sky” is used, but in Japanese, the word “sora” (空) has two meanings. One refers to the sky above, and the other refers to emptiness or nothingness.
bequest / bɪˈkwɛst / (n.) – the money or property of a person that is arranged and promised to be given to another person
The father’s bequests were divided among his five children.
His deceitful actions destroyed his relationship with his friends.
Read the text below.
Sobs of relief broke out in a federal courtroom in Kansas as dozens of people whose life savings had been embezzled by a bank CEO learned that federal law enforcement had recovered their money.
“I just can’t describe the weight lifted off of us,” said Bart Camilli, 70, who with his wife Cleo had just learned they’d recover close to $450,000—money Bart began saving at 18 when he bought his first individual retirement account. “It’s life-changing.”
In August, former Kansas bank CEO Shan Hanes was sentenced to 24 years after stealing $47 million from customer accounts and wiring the money to cryptocurrency accounts run by scammers. Prosecutors said Hanes also stole $40,000 from his church, $10,000 from an investment club and $60,000 from his daughter’s college fund and lost $1.1 million of his own in the scheme. Deposits were “jettisoned into the ether,” said prosecutor Aaron Smith.
Hanes’s Heartland Tri-State Bank, drained of cash, was shut down by federal regulators and sold to another financial institution. Customers’ savings and checking accounts amounting to $47.1 million were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which paid off their losses.
(例: “paid off their losses” → 彼らの損失を補填した)
But there were still 30 shareholders of the community-owned rural bank Hanes helped found—including his close family friends and neighbors—who thought they lost $8.3 million in investments: well-planned retirements were upended, funds for long-term eldercare gone, education funds and bequests for children and grandchildren zeroed out.
The shareholders stood to cheer federal Judge John W. Broomes in Wichita after he told them, one at a time, that they’d be paid back in full. The FBI recovered the funds from a cryptocurrency account held by Tether Ltd. in the Cayman Islands.
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Personalized FEEDBACK
You were able to understand the words in the conversation.
-to ease or reduce the pain
-a parcel or delivery product in a box
-remove or peel
Can speak and share ideas.
Can pronounce words correct.
[ ri-leev ]
[ trahy-uhl ]
[ lin-ee-er ]
Overall, you did well in our lesson. Please continue to practice English. I hope to see you again!
Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
automated / ˈɔ təˌmeɪ tɪd / (adj.) – designed to be operated or performed by machines or computers instead of people
The factory speeds up production through the new automated system.
conveyor belt / kənˈveɪ ər bɛlt / (n.) – a device that has a long moving strip of material that carries items from one place to another
The factory uses a conveyor belt to move products from one station to another quickly.
run on (something) / ˈrʌn ˌɒn / (phrasal v.) – to use a specific type of power supply or source to work or function
The whole factory is running on solar power, making it environmentally friendly.
forklift / ˈfɔrkˌlɪft / (n.) – a small vehicle with a piece of equipment in front that is used for lifting and moving heavy objects
The new factory worker is learning how to drive a forklift.
Read the text below.
Japan is planning to build an automated cargo transport corridor between Tokyo and Osaka, dubbed a “conveyorbelt road” by the government, to make up for a shortage of truck drivers. The amount of funding for the project is not yet set. But it’s seen as one key way to help the country cope with soaring deliveries.
A computer graphics video made by the government shows big, wheeled boxes moving along a three-lane corridor, also called an “auto flow road,” in the middle of a big highway. A trial system is due to start test runs in 2027 or early 2028, aiming for full operations by the mid-2030s.
例: “The train is due to arrive at 5 PM.”(その電車は午後5時に到着予定です。)
“We need to be innovative with the way we approach roads,” said Yuri Endo, a senior deputy director overseeing the effort at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
例: “She is overseeing the team’s progress.”(彼女はチームの進捗を監督している。)
3. The Ministry of Land
発音記号: /ðə ˈmɪn.ɪ.stri əv lænd/
意味: 国土省
正式名称: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(国土交通省)
Apart from making up for a shrinking labor force and the need to reduce workloads for drivers, the system also will help cut carbon emissions, she said.
Apart from, making up for, a shrinking labor force
1. Apart from
発音記号: /əˈpɑːrt frəm/
意味: ~は別として、~に加えて
例: “Apart from his mistakes, he did a good job.”(彼のミスを別にすれば、彼はよくやった。)
2. Making up for
発音記号: /ˈmeɪkɪŋ ʌp fɔːr/
意味: ~を補う、埋め合わせる
例: “She worked overtime to make up for the lost time.”(彼女は失った時間を補うために残業した。)
3. A shrinking labor force
発音記号: /ə ˈʃrɪŋkɪŋ ˈleɪ.bər fɔːrs/
意味: 縮小する労働力、減少する労働人口
例: “The country faces challenges due to a shrinking labor force.”(その国は労働力の減少による課題に直面している。)
“The key concept of the auto flow-road is to create dedicated spaces within the road network for logistics, utilizing a 24-hour automated and unmanned transportation system,” Endo said.
The plan may sound like a solution that would only work in relatively low-crime, densely populated societies like Japan, not sprawling nations like the U.S. But similar ideas are being considered in Switzerland and Great Britain. The plan in Switzerland involves an underground pathway, while the one being planned in London will be a fully automated system running on low-cost linear motors.
例: “The U.S. is a sprawling nation with vast distances between cities.”(アメリカは都市間の距離が広い広大な国です。)
4. Pathway
発音記号: /ˈpæθweɪ/
意味: 小道、通路、経路
例: “The underground pathway is designed for efficient transport.”(その地下通路は効率的な輸送のために設計されています。)
In Japan, loading will be automated, using forklifts, and coordinated with airports, railways and ports.
The boxes measure 180 centimeters in height, or nearly six feet, and are 110 centimeters, or 3.6 feet, by 110 centimeters in width and length, about the size of a big closet.
例: “The loading of goods will be automated.”(貨物の積み込みが自動化されます。)
2. Coordinated with
発音記号: /koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪtɪd wɪð/
意味: ~と連携して、調整して
例: “The system is coordinated with airports and railways.”(そのシステムは空港や鉄道と連携しています。)
The system, which is also intended for business deliveries, may be expanded to other routes if all goes well. Human drivers may still have to do last-mile deliveries to people’s doors, although driverless technology may be used in the future.
例: “Last-mile delivery can be challenging in remote areas.”(ラストマイル配送は遠隔地では課題となることがあります。)
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Cargo transportation is important for many industries. What do you think about the automated cargo transport system? How would this affect industries in your country? Discuss.
Does your community need an automated cargo system? Why or why not? If something should be automated in your community, what would it be? Discuss.
Discussion B
Building the automated transport corridor will include road changes as it will run in the middle of the highway. How do you feel about making highway changes just to have an automated transport corridor? Do you think people would like the idea of changes that would happen to roads? Why or why not? Discuss.
What should the government do to ensure that the changes to be done on the highways are understood and supported by the public? Discuss.
As data center industry booms, an English village becomes a battleground
戦場 – 直接的で一般的な訳。
論争の場 – 比喩的な表現。特に物理的な戦闘ではなく、意見や利害の衝突が起こる場合に適切。
対立の場 – 少し柔らかいニュアンスで、意見の対立を示す場合に使用可能。
Posted November 29, 2024
tech buildings
Vocabulary You understood the article.
Grammar You made proper sentences.
Pronunciation You pronounced everything properly.
Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
peasant / ˈpɛz ənt / (n.) – a person who owns or rents a small piece of land to grow crops or raise animals for food
The peasant men worked all day in the fields to farm food for their families.
peasant men
fierce / fɪərs / (adj.) – very strong or intense, often with anger or strength
There was fierce competition among the teams, and everyone wanted to win.
competition の翻訳とニュアンス:
例: 激しい競争 = “fierce competition”
例: 勝利をめぐる争い
大会 / 試合
例: 競技大会 = “sports competition”
文脈によりますが、この文では 競争 が最適です。
strain / streɪn / (v.) – to cause problems, pressure, or trouble for something, like money, resources, or relationships
Buying a new car will strain my budget, so I’ll have to save for a while.
green belt / ˈgrinˌbɛlt / (n.) – an area of land around a city or town where building is not allowed to protect nature and provide open spaces
The green belt around the city helps keep the air clean and gives people a place to walk and enjoy nature.
urbanization / ˌɜr bə nəˈzeɪ ʃən / (n.) – the process of more people moving to cities, and cities growing bigger with more buildings, roads, and services
Urbanization has transformed the once small town into a busy city with a diverse population.
diverse のニュアンスと翻訳:
例: 多様な人口 = “diverse population”
例: 多彩な住民 = “diverse residents”
例: さまざまな文化 = “diverse cultures”
Read the text below.
Originally built to store crops from peasant farmers, the tithe barn on the edge of the English village of Abbots Langley was converted into homes that preserve its centuries of history. Now, its residents are fighting to stop a development next door that represents the future.
例: “The tithe barn is now a historical landmark.”(タイスバーンは現在、歴史的建造物です。)
4. on the edge of
意味: ~の端に、境界に
文法: 前置詞句
ニュアンス: 場所的な端、または物理的・心理的な境界を指す。
例: “The barn is located on the edge of the village.”(その納屋は村の端に位置している。)
5. preserve
意味: 保存する、保護する
文法: 動詞
ニュアンス: 価値あるもの(歴史、文化、環境など)をそのままの状態で維持する行為を表す。
例: “The renovation aimed to preserve its historical value.”(改装は歴史的価値を保存することを目指していた。)
6. next door
意味: 隣の、隣接した
文法: 副詞・形容詞
ニュアンス: 隣接する場所や物を指し、直接的な距離感を強調する表現。
例: “The new development is next door to the barn.”(新しい開発は納屋の隣にある。)
7. represents the future
意味: 未来を象徴する
文法: 動詞句
ニュアンス: 特定のものや行為が未来的な価値観、技術、または方向性を体現・象徴していることを表す。
例: “The development represents the future of urban living.”(その開発は都市生活の未来を象徴している。)
A proposal to build a data center on a field across the road was rejected by local authorities amid fierce opposition from villagers. But it’s getting a second chance from British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s government, which is pursuing reforms to boost economic growth following the Labour Party’s election victory in July.
Residents of Abbots Langley, 18 miles (30 kilometers) northwest of London, worry the facility will strain local resources and create noise and traffic that damages the character of the quiet village, which is home to just over 20,000 people.
“The village is home to just over 20,000 people.”
→ 「その村にはわずか2万人強が住んでいます。」
“This forest is home to a wide variety of wildlife.”
→ 「この森には多様な野生生物が生息しています。」
As the artificial intelligence boom fuels demand for cloud-based computing from server farms around the world, such projects are pitting business considerations, national priorities, and local interests against each other.
The projects are controversial because the data centers would be built on “green belt” land, which has been set aside to prevent urbanization. Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner wants to tap the green belt for development, saying much of it is low quality.
Retiree Bryan Power says he would welcome the data center, believing it would benefit the area in a similar way as another big project on the other side of the village, the Warner Bros.’ Studio Tour featuring a Harry Potter exhibition.
One of the biggest concerns about data centers is their environmental impact, especially the huge amounts of electricity they need. Greystoke, the company behind the Abbots Langley center, says the facility will draw 96 megawatts of “IT load.” But James Felstead, director of a renewable energy company, said the area’s power grid wouldn’t be able to handle so much extra demand.
例: “The power grid wouldn’t be able to handle so much extra demand.”
→ 「電力網はこれほど多くの追加需要に対応できないだろう。」
draw: データセンターが膨大な電力を消費することを表現。
to handle so much extra demand: その電力消費が地域の電力供給能力を超える可能性を示唆。
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
How do you think a data center might change life in a quiet village like Abbots Langley? Would you mind living near a large, high-tech facility? Why or why not? Discuss.
Retiree Bryan Power says he would welcome the data center, believing it would benefit the area by providing jobs. Would you support a project that brings jobs if it also causes traffic and noise? Why or why not? Do you think big projects like data centers are more helpful or harmful for local areas? Why? Discuss.
Discussion B
A green belt is a land that has been set aside to prevent urbanization. What do you think are some benefits of keeping green spaces in and around towns and cities? Are there enough green belts in your country? Discuss.
The article mentions that a proposal to build a large data center in Abbots Langley represents the future. Which do you think is better for the future: building a large data center amid the boom of new tech today or preserving the green belt? Why? Discuss.