Cello-playing robot performs with symphony orchestra
Cello チェロ Symphony 交響曲、交響楽、またはシンフォニー(音楽において) |
あなたはシンフォニーオーケストラを聴いたりしますか? Do you listen to symphony orchestras? コンサートでですか?それともテレビでもいいですか? At concerts? Or is watching on TV also fine? どちらでも大丈夫です。 Either is fine. テレビで見ることはあります。 I do watch them on TV sometimes. オーケストラはお好きですか? Do you like orchestras? ジャンルによりますね。 It depends on the genre. 例えば、どの楽器が好きですか? For example, what instruments do you like? I like the piano and violin. 私もバイオリンが好きです。ピアノもいいですね。 I like the violin too. I also enjoy the piano. |
cello [ CHEL-oh ]
symphony – a long piece of music that is usually in four large, separate sections and that is performed by an orchestra
symphony orchestra – a large orchestra of musicians who play classical music together and are led by a conductor
precision [ pri-SIZH–uhn ]
ingredients – one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.
accomplished [ uh–KOM-plisht ]
expressiveness [ ik-SPRES-iv-nuhs ]
Personalized FEEDBACK
symphony – a long piece of music that is usually in four large, separate sections and that is performed by an orchestra
symphony orchestra – a large orchestra of musicians who play classical music together and are led by a conductor
ingredients – one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.
You said: I like classical music depend on type.
Better: I like classical music, but my preference depends on the type of instrument.
You said: Robot can easily change style of playing style so we can a lot of things from many patterns.
Better: Robots can easily change playing styles, which allows us to experiment with and learn from a wide range of patterns and techniques.
cello [ CHEL-oh ]
robot [ ROH-bot ]
Sweden [ SWEED-n ]
robotic [ roh-BOT-ik ]
anatomy [ uh-NAT-uh-mee ]
musician [ myoo-ZISH-uhn ]
demonstrate [ DEM-uhn-streyt ]
media [ MEE-dee-uh ]
Posted November 27, 2024
Category: Technology/Innovations
Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- precondition / ˌpri kənˈdɪʃ ən / (n.) – a condition or situation that must exist or happen first before something else can exist or happen
A precondition for joining the team is that you have to pass a fitness test.
- precision / prɪˈsɪʒ ən / (n.) – the quality of being exact, correct, or accurate
In baking, precision is important when measuring ingredients.
- accomplished / əˈkɒm plɪʃt / (adj.) – very skillful, having the skill of an expert or a master
The accomplished chef has opened several restaurants, published cook books, and created new recipes.
- toy with (something) / tɔɪ wɪθ / (phrasal v.) – to think about something for a short time and not very seriously
After working for many years, he toyed with the idea of starting his own business.
- expressiveness / ɪkˈsprɛs ɪv nəs / (n.) – the ability to show or express one’s thoughts or emotions
The singer’s expressiveness while performing on stage made the audience emotional.
Read the text below.
The world’s first joint performance by a symphony orchestra and a robot playing a cello took place in Sweden.
The joint performance piece entitled ‘Veer’ was created for the robot by Swedish composer Jacob Mühlrad who said the possibilities of the robotic performance inspired him to reconsider the cello as an instrument.
スウェーデンの作曲家ヤコブ・ミュールラッドによってロボットのために作られた共同演奏作品『Veer』は、ロボットの演奏の可能性が彼にチェロという楽器を再考させるきっかけを与えたと述べられています。 |
文法解析: The joint performance piece entitled ‘Veer’
The 33-year-old composer said the experiment is not about replacing human musicians with a robot, but about gaining new insights into the creative process.
33歳の作曲家は、この実験はロボットで人間の演奏者を置き換えることを目的としたものではなく、創造的なプロセスに関する新たな洞察を得ることを目的としていると述べました。 |
For example, the unique anatomy of the robotic arms means it is capable of playing “double stops” that a human hand would not be capable of playing and these new possibilities forced Mühlrad to think about the cello in a completely new way.
例えば、ロボットアームの独特な構造により、人間の手では演奏できない「重音」を奏でることが可能であり、これらの新たな可能性がミュールラッドにチェロを全く新しい視点で考えさせるきっかけとなりました。 |
He explains, “[…] suddenly there are a lot of ways to play the cello that I didn’t think about before because of the preconditions of the human and anatomy. So suddenly, the cello has become another instrument for me, thanks to this robot.”
The robot has the precision to match the most accomplished human musicians.
In fact, Mühlrad originally toyed with the idea of composing a technically advanced piece that a human musician would not be able to perform.
He resisted and created a slow and simple melody to demonstrate the robot’s expressiveness.
しかし彼はその考えを抑え、ロボットの表現力を示すために、ゆっくりとしたシンプルな旋律を作り上げました。 |
Mühlrad does not think the robot’s precision leads to a lack of soul and creativity in the performance and, as it turns out, even the robot is capable of making mistakes which can lead to one of those “happy accidents” in art.
ミュールラッドは、ロボットの精密さが演奏における魂や創造性の欠如につながるとは考えていません。そして実際には、ロボットですらミスを犯すことがあり、それが芸術における「幸運な偶然」の一つにつながる可能性もあるのです。 4o あなた: as it turns out ChatGPT: ChatGPT as it turns out の意味とニュアンス: 翻訳:
用法: このフレーズは、事実や予想外の結果が明らかになったり、確定した状況を説明する際に使われます。ニュアンスとしては、最初の予測や期待とは異なる結果を表すことが多いですが、中立的な事実の提示にも使われます。 例文と翻訳:
解釈: 「as it turns out」は、文脈に応じて「結果として」「実際には」「明らかになったことには」といったニュアンスを持ちます。文章の進行上、予想と結果のギャップや事実の確定をスムーズに表現するために使われるフレーズです。 |
He was pleased with this first experiment in Malmö and says it was well received by the audience and orchestra alike.
彼はマルメでのこの最初の実験に満足しており、観客やオーケストラの双方から好評を得たと語っています。 4o あなた: Malmö ChatGPT: ChatGPT Malmö (マルメ) 概要: マルメはスウェーデン南部の都市で、スコーネ地方(Skåne)の中心都市です。スウェーデンで3番目に大きな都市であり、デンマークのコペンハーゲンとも近接しているため、重要な国際的な交流地となっています。 特徴:
マルメは音楽や芸術の分野でも注目されており、特にクラシック音楽の公演やロボットとの共同実験の舞台として、その存在感を強めています。 |
But there has been some criticism as Mühlrad explains, “I received some feedback from some musicians that were a little bit frightened, also from social media—people who are questioning it. But I think it’s reasonable to question things. […] I also question it.”
しかし批判もいくつかありました。ミュールラッドはこう説明しています。「一部の音楽家から、少し怖がっているというフィードバックを受けました。また、SNSからも疑問を投げかける人々がいました。でも、物事を疑問視するのは妥当だと思います。[…] 私自身もそれについて疑問を持っています。」 |
Mühlrad says there are more plans to continue composing music for the robotic cello and is planning the first performance in the USA for later this year.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
Mühlrad gained new insights into the creative process with the help of a robot. Do you think humans can learn new things from robots? Why or why not? What do you think are the limitations of robots when it comes to teaching us? In what areas is human experience and insight more valuable? Discuss.
私は,このようなロボットから多くのことを学べると思っています.なぜなら,ロボットは色々なパターンで色々演奏ができ,それらの演奏を人間が分析することが可能になり,よりよい演奏を見つけることができると思います.いろいろな演奏を行うには,人間の能力,時間には限界がありますが,ロボットは多くの学習をすれば,多くのパターンで色々演奏してくれると思います.そういう意味でとても多くのことが学べると思います. I believe we can learn a lot from robots like this. The reason is that robots can perform a variety of pieces in many patterns, and humans can analyze those performances to discover better ways to play. While humans have limitations in terms of ability and time, robots, with sufficient training, can perform in numerous patterns and styles. In that sense, I think there’s a great deal we can learn from them. ロボットが我々に色々おしえてくれることは,とても良いことだと思います,なぜならロボットはいろいろな情報を学習し,すなわちchatgptのような脳をもち,いろいろな質問に答えてくれることができるからです.学校の先生には質の低い先生もいますし,本質的なことを質問しても多くの先生は答えてくれません.というより答えることができないのです. I think it’s a very good thing that robots can teach us in various ways. This is because robots can learn diverse information, essentially possessing a brain similar to ChatGPT, which allows them to answer a wide range of questions. In contrast, there are low-quality teachers in schools, and even when we ask fundamental questions, many teachers cannot provide answers—or rather, they are incapable of doing so. |
How would you feel about a robot teacher for learning language, art, music, or other subjects? How effective do you think robots can be as teachers? Discuss.
Discussion B
Mühlrad believes that a robot’s precision does not mean it lacks soul and creativity. Do you agree or disagree? Do you think robots can bring emotion or express emotions through a musical performance? Why or why not? In your opinion, would a robot be able to perform as well as a human? Why or why not? Discuss.
How important are emotions in a musical performance? What do you think about the idea of using robots in musical performances? Would you watch robots perform? Why or why not? Discuss.
Category: Technology/Innovations