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Take a look inside Hotel Yugoslavia—once the go-to place for royalty and celebrities—now derelict

Take a look inside Hotel Yugoslavia—once the go-to place for royalty and celebrities—now derelict




  1. 一度限りのポイント
    • 「once」は、ある一度きりの瞬間やきっかけを指し、そこから状態や行動が変わることを示唆します。
  2. 時間の節目
    • 「かつて」は、過去の特定の節目から今の状態へ移行した様子を表し、「いったん~すると」は現在の瞬間をきっかけに次の状況へ変化することを意味します。
  3. 変化の引き金
    • 何かがスタートすることで別の結果を引き起こす一連の出来事や、過去から現在への変遷を含意しており、「once」には「変化の出発点」や「新たな段階の始まり」のようなイメージが共有されています。




Word Analysis: “Derelict”

  1. Part of Speech: Adjective (形容詞) / Noun (名詞)
  2. Meaning:
    • As an Adjective: “荒廃した、放置された”
      • Describes something in a state of severe neglect or disrepair, often due to abandonment or lack of maintenance. Example: “The derelict building stood alone, decaying.”(その廃墟は一人で朽ちていた)
    • As a Noun: “遺棄物、見捨てられた人(または物)”
      • Refers to an abandoned object or, more rarely, a person who has been neglected by society. Example: “The ship became a derelict after years adrift.”(その船は放置され、漂流の末に廃船となった)
  3. Usage Context:
    • Often used to describe abandoned buildings or property in a deteriorated state.
    • Implies a sense of loss, neglect, or failure to care for something.
  4. Related Forms:
    • Dereliction (名詞): 放棄、怠慢
      • This refers to the act of abandoning or neglecting responsibility, as in “dereliction of duty”(職務怠慢)
  5. Cognitive Imagery:
    • “Derelict” evokes imagery of something that once had value or purpose but has since fallen into ruin or obsolescence, creating an impression of decay, abandonment, and solitude.
  6. Example in Context:
    • “The derelict castle was overgrown with ivy, a ghost of its former grandeur.”(その荒廃した城はツタに覆われ、かつての壮麗さの面影が残っていた)

Step 1: Full Translation


Step 2: Syntax Analysis

  1. Take (V, 命令形:取る、見る) – 動詞、命令形。「見てみる」を意味し、読者に注目を促す表現。
  2. a look (N, 名詞句:視線、一瞥) – 名詞句。「take」と共に「見る」動作を示し、「見てみる」という熟語的なフレーズを構成。
  3. inside (Prep, 内側へ、内部) – 前置詞、「~の内部」を意味し、続く「Hotel Yugoslavia」にかかる。
  4. Hotel Yugoslavia (N, 固有名詞:ホテル・ユーゴスラビア) – 固有名詞、特定のホテルの名称。
  5. — (Dash, 記号:補足情報の導入) – 補足的な説明や対比を導入するハイフン(ダッシュ)。
  6. once (Adv, 副詞:かつて) – 過去の状態を示す副詞で、以下の「go-to place」に修飾を加え、「かつて~だった」と過去の栄光を表す。
  7. the go-to place (N, 名詞句:人気の場所) – 名詞句で、「行くべき場所」「憧れの場所」を指し、特に重要視されていた地位や価値を示唆。
  8. for royalty and celebrities (Prep phrase, 王族やセレブのための) – 前置詞句。「誰にとっての go-to place」だったかを示し、憧れの対象を具体的に表現。
  9. now (Adv, 副詞:今、現在) – 副詞で、「今では」や「現在」の状態を示す。
  10. derelict (Adj, 形容詞:荒廃した) – 形容詞、「荒廃した」「無人の」「見捨てられた」といった状態を表し、ホテルの現在の荒れ果てた状態を強調。

Step 3: Summary and Interpretation

この文は、かつての栄光と現在の荒廃という対比を強調し、ホテル・ユーゴスラビアの変遷を簡潔に表現しています。命令形の「Take a look」が読者に対する呼びかけとなり、「once」と「now」の対照が過去の繁栄と現在の荒廃を印象づけています。この文の構造により、ホテルがかつて王族やセレブに愛されたが、今では見捨てられた場所となっている情景が強調されています。

royalty [ ROI-uhl-tee ]

derelict [ DER-uh-likt ]


celebrities [ suh-LEB-ri-tees ]


derelict – not cared for and are in bad condition


dignitary [ DIG-ni-ter-ee ]


dɪg nɪˌtɛr I


disrepair [ dis-ri-PAIR ]


luster [ LUHS-ter ]


Personalized FEEDBACK


derelict – not cared for and are in bad condition

once – something that was true or existed at a particular point in the past but is no longer the case


You said: I think there are many five-star around here.
Better: I think there are many five-star hotels around here.

You said: I can’t find anybody in it.
Better: I don’t have anyone to go there with.

You said: I dislike dress up. I like T-shirt.
Better: I dislike dressing up and prefer to wear a T-shirt instead.


royalty [ ROI-uhl-tee ]
derelict [ DER-uh-likt ]
celebrities [ suh-LEB-ri-tees ]
dignitary [ DIG-ni-ter-ee ]
disrepair [ dis-ri-PAIR ]


Do you know any luxurious hotels?


Are there any luxurious hotels around where you live?

Do you know any luxurious hotels? と Do you know luxurious hotels? の違,日本人的発想だと”Do you know any luxurious hotels”を言いたくなります.




英語の「Do you know any luxurious hotels?」と「Do you know luxurious hotels?」の違について、日本人的発想から考えると、「any」が持つニュアンスが関わってきます。


  1. Do you know any luxurious hotels?
    • 「any」は「いくつか」や「どれかひとつでも」といった不特定のものを示します。この場合、特定のホテルを尋ねているわけではなく、ラグジュアリーホテル全般の中からいくつかでも知っているかどうかを確認しています。
    • ニュアンス:柔らかく、具体的なホテルに限定されない質問で、一般的な情報を尋ねる際に使われます。
  2. Do you know luxurious hotels?
    • 「any」がないことで、「ラグジュアリーホテルという種類そのもの」を知っているかどうか、あるいはラグジュアリーホテルに精通しているかを尋ねるニュアンスが強くなります。
    • ニュアンス:一般的なラグジュアリーホテルについて知識があるかや、興味があるかを問う含みもありますが、「any」がない分、少し固い響きにもなります。








  • Do you know any luxurious hotels?
    • 日常的で柔らかい響きがあり、**一般的に「どこか豪華なホテルを知っているか」**と尋ねる表現です。特定のホテルでなく、いくつか候補を求める際に適しています。
  • Do you know luxurious hotels?
    • 文法的には正しですが、こちらはややフォーマルな印象で、「ラグジュアリーホテルそのものに詳しか」といったホテルの知識や興味を尋ねているようにも解釈されます。



一般の人に訊くときは any,オタク,評論家に聞くときはany無しと理解してよいですか?




  • 一般の人に質問するときは “any” を使うのが自然です。「any」を入れることで、広く、どこか一つでも知っているかを尋ねる柔らかいニュアンスになり、日常会話に向いています。
  • ホテルのオタクや評論家に質問するときは “any” を省く方がよいです。「Do you know luxurious hotels?」と聞くと、ラグジュアリーホテルについての知識や経験があるかを確認するニュアンスが強くなり、相手の専門知識に配慮した表現になります。








  • “Do you know any luxurious hotels?” と “any” を使った場合:
    • 一般的に、「知っている豪華なホテルの名前や場所などを教えてくださ」といった具体的な情報を求める印象になります。会話としても、相手は「○○ホテルが良いですよ」と、名前や具体的な情報を提供する傾向が強いです。
  • “Do you know luxurious hotels?” と “any” を使わない場合:
    • この表現は、「豪華なホテルに詳しか」というニュアンスが強く、相手がホテルについての経験や知識を話し始めるきっかけになる可能性が高いです。評論家やオタクにこの質問をすると、ホテルの特徴、サービス、個人的な意見などを語りだしやすくなります。


“I can’t find any value in it.”

良いホテルのサービスは良いと理解していますが, 同じ金額だすのであれば,美味しものを食べたいです.

“I understand that good hotel service is great, but if I’m spending the same amount, I’d rather enjoy some good food.”


The food at five-star hotels is delicious, but since I can’t relax while eating, it doesn’t taste as good to me.

Posted November 15, 2024

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. dignitary / ˈdɪg nɪˌtɛr I / (n.) – a person who has an important position in a government or organization

The mayor invited several dignitaries, including national and local leaders, to the city’s special event.

  1. disrepair / ˌdɪs rɪˈpɛər / (n.) – the state of being broken or not in good condition

The once beautiful castle fell into disrepair after being abandoned for many years.


  1. luster / ˈlʌs tər / (n.) – the good and attractive quality of something that makes it special or admired

The once popular band lost its luster after several years, and people stopped talking about them.

  1. relic / ˈrɛl ɪk / (n.) – something, such as an object, tradition, or system, from the past, especially from a particular time or place

The old train station is a relic of the early 20th century, showing us what travel looked like before airplanes became popular.

  1. tremendously / trɪˈmɛn dəs li / (adv.) – in a way that is very great or extreme in amount or level

The new restaurant in town has been tremendously popular, with long lines of customers all day long.


Read the text below.

Hotel Yugoslavia was once the top place to stay for celebrities and dignitaries visiting Belgrade. Now, it’s fallen into disrepair, but a plan to replace it with a modern hotel is causing controversy.

The hotel in the Serbian capital was a favorite gathering place for local officials and world leaders, but has fallen into disrepair since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

Built in the 1960s, the modernist structure has lost its former luster. Its facade is marred by crumbling concrete and graffiti. Inside, debris covers once-pristine floors. Faded velvet sofas, torn mattresses, and broken windows are all that remain of the luxury that once characterized the establishment in its prime.

As Belgrade experiences rapid growth, marked by new high-rise developments, the hotel’s fate has sparked controversy. Some view it as a relic worth preserving. Others see opportunities for redevelopment.

Opened in 1969, Hotel Yugoslavia was a five-star destination. It featured one of the world’s largest chandeliers, made of 40,000 Swarovski crystals and 5,000 bulbs. The hotel hosted international celebrities, including Queen Elizabeth II, US Presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, and astronaut Neil Armstrong.

Private investors have now announced plans for its demolition and redevelopment. The new project will feature two 150-meter (500-foot) towers. These will include a luxury hotel, offices, and private apartments, according to the investors.

Zivorad Vasic, a spokesman for the investors, explained the need for complete demolition. “There are a couple of reasons for it, and that’s very important,” he says. “One is during the bombing in 1999, quite a lot of parts of the hotel were destroyed. Second, the hospitality industry completely and tremendously changed.”

Architect and tour guide Matija Zlatanovic says plans for the new hotel are “controversial.”

Residents living near the planned construction site aren’t happy either and some are joining weekly protests.

“Hotel Yugoslavia represents a huge part of our history,” says protester Svetlana Gojun. “Half the world came to this hotel, from actors, musicians, politicians, writers. Everyone is tied to this hotel. The whole world knows about that hotel. And now we will allow something like that to disappear?”

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • The historic Hotel Yugoslavia has now fallen into disrepair, but not all agree with its redevelopment. Do you think it’s important to preserve historic buildings, even in poor condition? Why? If you lived in Belgrade, would you support the renovation? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Do you think buildings that were popular in the past, like Hotel Yugoslavia, still have the same value today? Why or why not? What should be done to historic buildings (ex. restore them, preserve them)? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • What are your thoughts on replacing old buildings with modern ones? Is it always positive? Why or why not? How do large development projects impact nearby communities? Discuss.
  • What relics from your country should be preserved? Why? Will these relics remain valuable in the future? Why or why not? Discuss.

Category: Business