Hungarian researchers unveil autonomous drone swarm technology
autonomous “Autonomous” の意味と分析 意味
swarm “Swarm” の意味と分析 意味
時々急に不安になるときはないですか? Do you ever suddenly feel anxious? 私は,今日がまさにその日です. Today is exactly one of those days for me. 不安はどこからくるのでしょうか. Where does anxiety come from? バイオリズムだとわかっていても,このような気持ちは好きじゃないです. Even though I know it’s just biorhythm, I don’t like this kind of feeling. 好きになれればよいのですが. I wish I could learn to like it. 私は,バイオリズムのような,お話は当時まで全く興味がなかったです. I had absolutely no interest in topics like biorhythm back then. どちらかというと女性がそういうことに興味があり,血液うらないとか,星座占いを女性がすきです. If anything, it seemed more like something women were interested in—things like blood type fortune-telling or horoscope readings that women tend to like. ただ,バイオリズムは,このカレンダーを信じるわけではないですが,必ずあると思います. However, while I don’t necessarily believe in the accuracy of this kind of calendar, I do think biorhythms definitely exist. 女性は,生理があり,そのリズムで体調や気持ちがかわります. Women have menstrual cycles, and their physical condition and emotions change with that rhythm. このような生体のリズムは男性にも,女性にもあるとおもうんですね. I believe that such biological rhythms exist in both men and women. 最近は,リズムがきたと,諦めてなにもしません. These days, when the rhythm comes, I just accept it and do nothing about it. なぜなら,何もしても,気持ちは変わらないです. Because no matter what I do, my feelings don’t change. 一般的な出来事ですと,変化はないですね. With ordinary events, there’s no noticeable change. 不安から違うところに集中力を向かわせることが,このリズムを乗り越える唯一の方法ですね. Redirecting my focus away from anxiety is the only way to overcome this rhythm. |
12:01 SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Definition Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at specific times of the year, typically during the fall and winter months when daylight hours are shorter. It is often referred to as “seasonal depression” or “winter blues.” Causes
Risk Factors
Treatment Options
Preventive Measures
Key Point SAD is a recognized mental health condition linked to seasonal changes, primarily due to decreased exposure to sunlight. While it can significantly impact mood and energy levels, effective treatments and preventive strategies can help manage and reduce its effects. 12:03 CASIO G-shock 12:04 12:05 December 2nd, 1994 12:17 unveil [ uhn-VEYL ] autonomous [ aw-TON-uh-muhs ] swarm – a big group of something (in this case, drones) 12:18 collective noun 集合名詞(Collective Noun)とは? 集合名詞とは、複数の人、動物、または物の集まりを一つの単位として表す単語のことです。形は単数形ですが、集団全体を指します。 カテゴリ別の例 1. 人間に関する集合名詞
2. 動物に関する集合名詞
3. 物に関する集合名詞
文法的な特徴 1. 単数形だが、複数の意味を持つ 集合名詞は単数形として扱われますが、集団全体やその中の個々のメンバーを指します。
2. 動詞の一致(地域差あり)
特定の集合名詞 特定のグループに特化した集合名詞には、ユニークなものが多くあります。例:
要点まとめ 集合名詞は、単数形で集団を表す単語であり、状況や地域の違いによって文法上の扱いが異なります。動きや静止した集団を問わず、多くの場面で活用されます。 4o a school of fish a flock of birds 12:19 Hungary is located in Central Europe. 12:22 experimentation [ik-sper-uh-men-TEY-shuhn 12:24 centralized [ SEN-truh-lahyzd ] Personalized FEEDBACK By entering your birthdate and today’s date, you can get today’s biorhythm. Today, the emotional value is down.
In 1994, I was a university student, and you were a baby.
Talking to someone makes you feel better, doesn’t it? 最近日本では,バルーンは飛んでいません.子供の頃,たくさんのバルーンが広告のために飛んでいました. |
Posted November 20, 2024
Category: Technology/Innovations
Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- drone / droʊn / (n.) – a type of small aircraft that can fly without a pilot and can be controlled from the ground
There are companies using drones to deliver medicine in remote locations.
- experimentation / ɪkˌspɛr ə mɛnˈteɪ ʃən / (n.) – the process of testing methods, strategies, and products to determine its effects, especially if it’s good and effective
It will take many years of experimentation before the car company can release the first flying car.
- centralized / ˈsɛn trəˌlaɪzd / (adj.) – under the control of a single main system or authority
The company has a centralized system to manage all its customer information in one place.
- scale up (something) / skeɪl ʌp / (phrasal v.) – to increase something’s size, quantity, or scope
Factories scale up production of their items before the holiday shopping season.
- onboard / ˈɒnˈbɔrd / (adj.) – being carried on a vehicle or happening on a vehicle
The robot uses onboard sensors to detect obstacles and move around safely.
Read the text below.
Moving in a dense cloud, like a flock of birds in flight, 100 drones maneuver through the night sky in an open field just outside Hungary’s capital. It’s the result of more than a decade of research and experimentation that scientists believe could change the future of unmanned flight.
The behavior of the swarm, made up of autonomous drones that make their own decisions without pre-programming or centralized control, is guided by research conducted by Hungarian scientists at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest on the collective movements of creatures from the natural world.
“We don’t scale up our systems from designing one single drone and then having multiple ones,” says Gábor Vásárhelyi, a senior researcher at the university. “But we start this whole thing with the mindset of collective motion and collective behavior.”
In recent years, drones have become a common sight in the sky: Companies like Amazon and FedEx have launched drone delivery services, hobbyists use them for aerial photography, and groups of more than 1,000 drones have been programmed to deliver large-scale light shows.
But the scientists at ELTE’s Department of Biological Physics have developed new models based on the behavior of animals to allow a large number of drones to travel autonomously and react in real-time to their environment and each other as they execute individual routes and tasks.
“This is the level of what we call decentralization or decentralized systems. After the drones are told what to do, we can switch off the ground control station, we can burn it, or whatever, throw it away,” says Vásárhelyi. “The drones will be able to do what they have to do just by communicating to each other.”
Using data the researchers gathered by monitoring the flight of pigeons, the movements of wild horses on the Great Hungarian Plain, and other animal behavior, they developed an algorithm that allows the drones to make onboard, autonomous decisions and safely mitigate conflicts to avoid collisions.
Digital models in three dimensions have convinced the researchers that the algorithm can successfully support 5,000 drones flying together autonomously.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
- How would you feel if hundreds of drones flew over you in public? Should there be limits on where and how many drones can fly at a time? Why or why not? Discuss.
- Drones can take photos and videos while they’re flying. Does this concern you? What else should people be concerned about with many drones in the sky? What measures should the government implement to ease the public’s concerns regarding the use of drones? Discuss.
Discussion B
- In ELTE’s experimentation, drones can make decisions without needing human instructions. How much do you trust technology to operate autonomously? What tasks would you never want an autonomous device to do for you? Why? Discuss.
- What autonomous devices do you have at home that you can confidently use with no issues (ex. robot vacuum, AI-powered washing machine)? How satisfied are you with the performance of these autonomous devices? Discuss.
Category: Technology/Innovations