US standouts in arts and humanities honored by emotional Biden
honored by – to be given an award or recognition
US standouts ? Step 1: Full Translation Standouts Step 2: Syntax Analysis Standouts
Examples of Usage:
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation “Standouts”は名詞として使用され、特定の状況で目立つものや人を指します。文脈により、主語、目的語、補語として機能します。英語圏で頻繁に使用され、特にスポーツやイベントなど、際立ったパフォーマンスや特徴を持つ対象に言及するときに適切です。
Honored Step 2: Syntax Analysis Honored
Usage as a Verb:
Usage as an Adjective:
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation “Honored”は動詞と形容詞の両方で使われ、動詞としては敬意や名誉を与える行為を示し、形容詞としては光栄である状態を表します。たとえば、「I am honored」は「私にとって光栄です」と訳され、感謝や謙虚さを伝えるフレーズとして広く用いられます。
Step 1: Full Translation Emotional Step 2: Syntax Analysis Emotional
Example 1: She made an emotional appeal to the audience.
Example 2: He became emotional when he spoke about his family.
Example 3: It was an emotional reunion.
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation “Emotional”は、感情や情緒に関わるさまざまな状態を形容するための形容詞です。ポジティブにもネガティブにも解釈される場合があり、以下のようなニュアンスを持ちます:
文脈によって解釈が変わるため、周囲の単語や状況に注意する必要があります。 このような表現は一般的ですか? US standouts in arts and humanities honored by emotional Biden 3/3 ChatGPT: ChatGPT 「US standouts in arts and humanities honored by emotional Biden」という表現は文法的には正しいですが、いくつかの理由から少し独特で、一般的かどうかは文脈によります。 表現の分析と一般性
結論 この表現はアメリカ英語圏で十分理解される表現ですが、特に「emotional Biden」の部分は、一般的なフォーマルニュースの見出しとしてはやや軽い印象を与えます。一方で、文学的・感情的な瞬間を捉えた記事やカジュアルな報道、または意図的に印象を強調したい場合には適切に使用されることがあります。 |
standouts – individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the fields of arts and humanities and who have achieved a level of excellence or recognition that sets them apart from their peers
emotional – having and expressing strong feelings
Do people in your country receive awards for arts?
I don’t know much about it, but in Japan, there is something called the Purple Ribbon Medal.
What does the purple in the award signify? How about red? And blue?
Do you know anyone who has won an award in the arts or similar fields?
I’m not sure. Do you mean contemporary artists?
If you’re talking about artists from the past, I know someone named Tarō Okamoto.
Do you like his paintings?
No, I don’t. I just know him because he’s very famous.
Step 1: Full Translation
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
- Word Class: Adjective (形容詞), Noun (名詞)
- Role in Sentence:
- As an adjective: Describes something belonging to the present time or the same time period.
- As a noun: Refers to a person living in the same time period as another.
Examples as an Adjective:
- This is a contemporary art exhibit.
- Adjective: contemporary (現代の) modifies “art exhibit”
- Meaning: This art exhibit belongs to the present era.
- He studied contemporary literature.
- Adjective: contemporary (現代の) modifies “literature”
- Meaning: He studied literature from the current time period.
Examples as a Noun:
- Shakespeare and his contemporaries greatly influenced literature.
- Noun: contemporaries (同時代の人々)
- Meaning: People who lived during Shakespeare’s time also influenced literature.
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation
acclaimed [ uh–KLEYMD ]
praised [ preyzd ]
leave a/someone’s mark on (something)
posthumously [ POS-chuh-muhs-lee ]
passed away – to die
recount [ ri-KOUNT ]
consequential [ kon-si-KWEN-shuhl ]
prestigious [ pre-STIJj-uhs, -STIJ-ee-uhs
recipient [ ri-SIP-ee-uhnt ]
Who did President Joe Biden honor?
Personalized FEEDBACK
standouts – individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the fields of arts and humanities and who have achieved a level of excellence or recognition that sets them apart from their peers
honored by – to be given an award or recognition
emotional – having and expressing strong feelings
pass away – to die
You said: I don’t know, but we have, please wait, purple ribbon medal.
Better: I don’t know, but we have the purple ribbon medal award.
acclaimed [ uh–KLEYMD ]
praised [ preyzd ]
posthumously [ POS-chuh-muhs-lee ]
recount [ ri-KOUNT ]
consequential [ kon-si-KWEN-shuhl ]
prestigious [ pre-STIJj-uhs, -STIJ-ee-uhs
recipient [ ri-SIP-ee-uhnt ]
Standouts honored |
Posted November 19, 2024
Category: Lifestyle/Entertainment
Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- acclaimed / əˈkleɪmd / (adj.) – praised and recognized as being very good or important
She is an acclaimed author, known for writing fantasy books that are loved by both readers and critics.
- make (someone’s) mark on (something) / meɪk mɑrk ɔn / (idiom) – to do something important or have an impact that people notice and remember
Jerry made his mark on the company by introducing new ideas that improved sales and customer satisfaction.
- posthumously / ˈpɒs tʃə məs li / (adv.) – describing something that is happening or done after a person’s death
The author’s final novel was published posthumously, becoming a bestseller even though she had passed away before releasing it.
- recount / rɪˈkaʊnt / (v.) – to talk about something that happened
Jenny recounted her childhood memories of playing in the park, sharing funny stories about her friends and the games they played together.
- consequential / ˌkɒn sɪˈkwɛn ʃəl / (adj.) – important or significant, especially because it affects or has a strong influence on something
The meeting at the start of the year was consequential, as it set the direction for the company’s future plans and goals.
Read the text below.
President Joe Biden became emotional as he honored acclaimed filmmakers, singers, writers, and others who have made their mark on American culture, awarding the prestigious National Medals of Arts and National Humanities Medals to 39 recipients.
Step 1: Full Translation Prestigious Step 2: Syntax Analysis Prestigious
Example 1: She graduated from a prestigious university.
Example 2: Winning such a prestigious award was a great honor.
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation “Prestigious”は、何かが「高い評価を受けている」「名誉ある」「権威を持つ」といった特徴を形容するための言葉です。大学、賞、組織などに対してよく使われ、対象の社会的な地位や価値を強調します。
Step 1: Full Translation Recipients Step 2: Syntax Analysis Recipients
Example 1: The award recipients gave heartfelt speeches.
Example 2: She announced the names of the scholarship recipients.
Example 3: The recipients were honored during the ceremony.
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation “Recipients”は、物品や賞、メッセージなどを受け取る人々を指す名詞の複数形です。特に、公式な賞や奨学金などを受け取る場面でよく使用されます。
Filmmakers Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, and Ken Burns and singers Missy Elliott and Queen Latifah were among 20 recipients of National Medals of Arts, while the 19 recipients of National Humanities Medals included playwright-screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and historian Jon Meacham.
Three of the medals were awarded posthumously: The late singer Selena Quintanilla and artist Ruth Asawa are arts medal winners and the late chef-author Anthony Bourdain was among the humanities medal winners.
“Above all, you are Step 1: Full Translation
The masters of your craft
Step 2: Syntax Analysis
The masters of your craft
- Word Class: Noun phrase (名詞句)
- Role in Sentence: Functions as a subject, object, or complement, referring to highly skilled individuals in a specific field or profession.
Component Breakdown:
- The masters
- Noun (名詞, plural form)
- Refers to people with exceptional skill or expertise.
- Example: They are the masters of their trade.
- Meaning: 彼らはその分野の名匠です。
- of your craft
- Prepositional phrase (前置詞句)
- Modifies “masters,” specifying the particular skill, trade, or profession being referenced.
- Example: Your craft refers to the specific skill or expertise possessed by the listener.
- Meaning: あなたが専門としている技術や分野。
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation
“The masters of your craft”は、特定の分野で卓越した技術や知識を持つ人々を指す表現です。「craft」は特定の職業やスキルを指し、職人や専門家の世界でよく使われます。例文:
- Learn from the masters of your craft.
that have made us a better America with all of you have done,” Biden said at the White House ceremony.
Step 1: Full Translation Playwright-Screenwriter Step 2: Syntax Analysis Playwright-Screenwriter
Component Breakdown:
Combined Usage:
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation “Playwright-Screenwriter”は、舞台用の脚本(戯曲)を執筆する「劇作家」と、映画やテレビの脚本を書く「脚本家」を兼ねる人物を指します。このような表現は、複数の役割を持つ作家を強調する場面で適切です。 Step 1: Full Translation The late chef-author Step 2: Syntax Analysis The late chef-author
Component Breakdown:
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation “The late chef-author”は、すでに亡くなっている「料理人兼作家」を指します。この表現は敬意を込めて故人の功績や職業を伝える際に使用されます。
Biden grew emotional as he recounted that Dr. Martin Luther King, as a ten-year-old boy, listened on the radio to Marian Anderson sing “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after she had been denied from performing at Constitution Hall. Decades later, when King delivered his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, Biden recounted that Anderson was there to sing again.
Step 1: Full Translation バイデン大統領は、マーティン・ルーサー・キング牧師が10歳の少年だったとき、1939年にマリアン・アンダーソンがリンカーン記念堂の階段で「My Country, ‘Tis of Thee」を歌ったラジオ放送を聴いたというエピソードを語りながら、感情が高ぶりました。アンダーソンは、コンスティチューション・ホールでの公演を拒否された後にその場で歌いました。それから数十年後、キング牧師がワシントン大行進の際にリンカーン記念堂で有名な演説を行ったとき、アンダーソンも再びその場で歌ったとバイデンは振り返りました。 Step 2: Syntax Analysis Sentence 1: Biden grew emotional as he recounted that Dr. Martin Luther King, as a ten-year-old boy, listened on the radio to Marian Anderson sing “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after she had been denied from performing at Constitution Hall.
Sentence 2: Decades later, when King delivered his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, Biden recounted that Anderson was there to sing again.
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation この文章では、バイデン大統領がキング牧師の若い頃のエピソードと、後年の有名なワシントン大行進での出来事を結びつけて語っています。歴史的な背景とキング牧師やアンダーソンの関係性を強調することで、感動的なストーリーが形成されています。また、バイデン自身の感情の高ぶりが物語の説得力を増しています。このような使い方で「歴史の連続性」と「象徴的な瞬間」が描かれています。 |
“She sang, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” Biden said. “My fellow Americans, today we honor that legacy.”
Step 1: Full Translation 「彼女は『He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands』を歌いました」とバイデンは語りました。「アメリカ国民の皆さん、今日はその遺産を讃えます。」 Step 2: Syntax Analysis Sentence 1: “She sang, ‘He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,’” Biden said.
Sentence 2: “My fellow Americans, today we honor that legacy.”
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation この文章は、バイデンが彼女の歌とその歴史的意義について述べているものです。
バイデンの言葉は、歴史的出来事の価値を再確認し、それを未来に引き継ぐ重要性を呼びかけています。 Step 1: Full Translation He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Step 2: Syntax Analysis He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
Step 3: Summary and Interpretation このフレーズは、特にゴスペル音楽で有名な歌のタイトルとして知られています。歌詞は、神の力や愛、全ての人々や世界を守る存在を象徴的に描いています。宗教的な文脈では、「彼」は神を指し、「全世界をその手の中に持っている」と解釈され、平和や信頼のメッセージを伝えます。 このフレーズは直訳としてもわかりやすく、同時に深い象徴性を持っています。 |
Biden also told the winners that the moment was a “very consequential time in the arts and humanities in America” because “extreme forces are banning books, trying to erase history, spreading misinformation.”
The arts medals are given “to individuals or groups who are deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to the excellence, growth, support, and availability of the arts in the United States.”
Other humanities winners included former U.S. poet laureate Joy Harjo, actor-literacy advocate LeVar Burton, cartoonist Roz Chast, and philanthropists Wallis Annenberg and Darren Walker. The humanities medals honor “an individual or organization whose work has deepened the nation’s understanding of the human experience, broadened citizens’ engagement with history or literature, or helped preserve and expand Americans’ access to cultural resources.”
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
- Biden told the award recipients that they are the masters of their craft who have made America better with all of what they have done. In your opinion, in what ways can artists make a country better? Do you believe art, films, or music can influence or change society? Why or why not? Discuss.
- In your opinion, what is the role of humanities (like literature and history) in society? How do you think studying humanities can help people understand the world better? Discuss.
Discussion B
- Why do you think it’s important to honor and recognize artists and creators? If you could give a National Medal to an artist from your country, who would it be and why? Discuss.
- How do you feel about political leaders recognizing and awarding artists for their work? Should the government play a role in supporting the arts? Why or why not? Does your government show enough support to people in the arts and humanities? Why do you think so? Discuss.
Category: Lifestyle/Entertainment