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A Southern California school plants a ‘Moon Tree’ grown with seeds flown in space

A Southern California school plants a ‘Moon Tree’ grown with seeds flown in space


What does “plants” mean?


Is it a verb?


What does “seeds” mean?

Flown in spaceの意味はなんですか?

What does “flown in space” mean?


Does “space” mean the Space Shuttle?


Does it mean seeds grown outside Earth?


Does it mean seeds that have been to space?


Have you ever planted anything at school?


I haven’t planted a tree, but I have planted flowers, like morning glories and sunflowers.

Step 1: Full Translation


Step 2: Syntax Analysis

  1. A Southern California school
    • A: Determiner(限定詞)- 「ある、一つの」
    • Southern California: Adjective phrase(形容詞句)- 地理的な位置を示す「南カリフォルニア」
    • school: Noun(名詞)- 主語(S)「学校」
  2. plants
    • plants: Verb(動詞)- 主節の動詞(V)、三人称単数現在形、「植える」
  3. a ‘Moon Tree’
    • a: Determiner(限定詞)- 「ある、一つの」
    • ‘Moon Tree’: Noun phrase(名詞句)- 目的語(O)、特別な名前をもつ対象「ムーンツリー」
  4. grown with seeds flown in space
    • grown: Past participle(過去分詞)- 「育てられた」、形容詞的に使われる
    • with seeds: Prepositional phrase(前置詞句)- 手段や材料を示す「種を使って」
    • flown in space: Past participle phrase(過去分詞句)- 状況を説明し、「宇宙で飛ばされた」という意味で、種を修飾する

Step 3: Summary and Interpretation

この文の基本構造は「SVO」(主語・動詞・目的語)構造です。主語「A Southern California school(南カリフォルニアの学校)」が動詞「plants(植える)」を取り、目的語「a ‘Moon Tree’(ムーンツリー)」を伴っています。「grown with seeds flown in space」は形容詞句として「ムーンツリー」を修飾し、「宇宙で飛ばされた種から育てられた」という追加情報を提供しています。

「flown in space」の詳細分析

  1. flown
    • Part of Speech (品詞): Past participle (過去分詞)
    • Grammatical Role (文法的な役割): 過去分詞で、動詞「fly(飛ぶ)」の受動的な過去形として「宇宙で飛ばされた」ことを表す。主語が暗黙的であり、種が飛ばされたという意味が暗に伝わっている。
    • Meaning (意味): 「飛ばされた」
    • Form and Usage (形式と使用法): 「flown」は「grow with seeds」とともに形容詞句「grown with seeds flown in space」を構成し、ムーンツリーを説明している。
  2. in space
    • Part of Speech (品詞): Prepositional phrase (前置詞句)
    • Grammatical Role (文法的な役割): 「flown」を修飾して「どこで飛ばされたか」という場所を説明し、飛行場所が「宇宙」であることを示している。
    • Meaning (意味): 「宇宙で」
    • Form and Usage (形式と使用法): 「in」は場所を示す前置詞、「space」は場所を指す名詞で、合わせて飛行場所が地球外であることを示す。


「flown in space」は「宇宙で飛ばされた」という意味で、「seeds(種)」の特性を強調するために使われています。ここで「flown」は「宇宙での飛行」が種に影響を与えたことを暗示し、「宇宙で飛行経験のある種から育てられた」ムーンツリーであることを示しています。

A Southern California school plants a ‘Moon Tree’ grown with seeds flown in space 宇宙?

はい、この文における「in space(宇宙で)」の「space」は、地球の大気圏外の宇宙空間を指しています。「flown in space」は、「種が宇宙空間で飛ばされた」または「宇宙で飛行された種」という意味です。したがって、この「ムーンツリー(Moon Tree)」は、宇宙で飛行した経験を持つ種から育てられた特別な樹木を意味しています。




Thank you very much for taking my lesson today. You did well in our lesson and answered all the exercises well.


1.extraordinary-something that is very unusual, special, or out of the ordinary

2.plant- to place (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow.

3.span- extend across (a period of time or a range of subjects):


1.You said: I plant flower.

CORRECT: I planted flowers in my school.

decades [ DEK-eyds ]
Please continue learning new words and expressions to enhance your skills further. Thank you!


You said: I plant flower.
CORRECT: I planted flowers in my school.

Posted November 7, 2024

Category: Education/Family

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. out of this world / aʊt ʌv ðɪs wɜrld / (idiom) – extremely good, amazing, or extraordinary that it is too good for this world

The special effects in the movie were out of this world, making the action scenes feel incredibly realistic.

extraordinary-something that is very unusual, special, or out of the ordinary


My interests span almost every music genres.

span- extend across (a period of time or a range of subjects):

Step 1: Full Translation


Step 2: Syntax Analysis

  1. The special effects in the movie
    • The: Determiner(限定詞)- 「その」
    • special effects: Noun phrase(名詞句)- 主語(S)「特殊効果」
    • in the movie: Prepositional phrase(前置詞句)- 形容詞句として「映画の中の」→「映画の中での特殊効果」として「特殊効果」を修飾
  2. were out of this world
    • were: Verb(動詞)- 主節の動詞(V)、主語「special effects」に対応するbe動詞の過去形
    • out of this world: Adjective phrase(形容詞句)- 状態や質を表し、「非常に素晴らし」「この世のものとは思えない」意味で特殊効果を説明
  3. making the action scenes feel incredibly realistic
    • making: Present participle(現在分詞)- 主節「were out of this world」に続く分詞構文。目的語「the action scenes」に対する動作の原因を表す
    • the action scenes: Noun phrase(名詞句)- 目的語(O)「アクションシーン」
    • feel: Causative verb(使役動詞)- 「感じさせる」、分詞構文の一部
    • incredibly realistic: Adjective phrase(形容詞句)- 状態補語(C)、アクションシーンが「非常にリアルに」感じられることを表す

Step 3: Summary and Interpretation


making the action scenes feel incredibly realistic の主語は?

「making the action scenes feel incredibly realistic」の主語は**暗示的に「the special effects」**です。これは主節の主語「The special effects in the movie」が分詞構文である「making」によって「アクションシーンをリアルに感じさせる」原因として働いているからです。

具体的に言うと、分詞構文は省略された主語を持つことが多く、ここでも「the special effects」が暗黙の主語になっています。

the special effects make the action scenes feel incredibly realistic

Step 1: Full Translation


Step 2: Syntax Analysis

  1. the special effects
    • the: Determiner(限定詞)- 「その」
    • special effects: Noun phrase(名詞句)- 主語(S)「特殊効果」
  2. make
    • make: Causative verb(使役動詞)- 動詞(V)として「感じさせる」または「リアルにさせる」意味で使われている
  3. the action scenes feel incredibly realistic
    • the action scenes: Noun phrase(名詞句)- 目的語(O)「アクションシーン」
    • feel: Verb(動詞)- 状態補語(Oの補語、C)として「感じる」意味で使われている
    • incredibly realistic: Adjective phrase(形容詞句)- 状態補語(C)、アクションシーンが「非常にリアルに」感じることを表す

Step 3: Summary and Interpretation

この文の構造は「SVOOC」(主語・動詞・目的語・目的語補語)のパターンです。「the special effects」が「the action scenes」を「incredibly realistic(非常にリアルに)」感じさせる、という使役構文になっています。

  1. wheel / wil / (v.) – to move something that has wheels, such as a cart, bike, or suitcase

The nurse wheeled the hospital bed into the operating room.

  1. span / spæn / (v.) – to include or cover a large area or space, a big number of objects, a period of time, etc.

Her career, spanning over three decades, has seen many achievements.

decades [ DEK-eyds ]

His career has seen many achievements, such as promotions and awards.

Her career, spanning over three decades, has seen many achievements.

Step 1: Full Translation


Step 2: Syntax Analysis

  1. Her career
    • Her: Possessive adjective(所有形容詞)- 「彼女の」
    • career: Noun(名詞)- 主語(S)「キャリア」
  2. spanning over three decades
    • spanning: Present participle(現在分詞)- 「~にわたる」という意味で主語「Her career」を修飾している。
    • over three decades: Prepositional phrase(前置詞句)- 「30年以上にわたる」
  3. has seen many achievements
    • has seen: Verb phrase(動詞句)- 主節の動詞(V)、「成し遂げてきた、経験した」を表す現在完了形
    • many achievements: Noun phrase(名詞句)- 目的語(O)「多くの業績」

Step 3: Summary and Interpretation

この文は「主語(Her career)」と「動詞句(has seen)」、そして目的語(many achievements)から成り立つ文です。分詞構文「spanning over three decades」により「30年以上にわたる」という追加情報がキャリアの長さや豊かさを強調しており、「彼女の長いキャリアが多くの業績を生んできた」という意味合いになります。

どのような表現が,この has seen achievementsの主語になりますか?私でもよいですか?


“What kind of subject can be used with ‘has seen achievements’? Can I be the subject?”


この質問では、has seen achievements(業績を成し遂げてきた・経験してきた)の主語として何が使えるかを問うています。この文構造において、通常主語は長期間にわたって成果や成し遂げたものを表現できるもの、例えば「キャリア」「人生」「仕事」などが適しています。ただし、「I(私)」を主語にすることも文脈によって可能です。

“Can’t a person be the subject?”
人も「has seen achievements」の主語になることができます。「I have seen many achievements.」のように表現すれば、主語が人(I)でも問題ありません。この場合、「私は多くの業績を見てきた・成し遂げてきた」といった意味になります。

ただし、「has seen achievements」の構造を使う場合、一般的には人生やキャリア、仕事など、何かの活動の成果や実績を表す「期間」や「プロセス」を表すものが主語になることが多いです。

“We learn the term ‘inanimate subject.’ Is this inanimate subject generally used as the subject in this case?”

  1. propulsion / prəˈpʌl ʃən / (n.) – the force that moves or pushes something forward

The spaceship uses powerful engines for propulsion to leave Earth’s atmosphere.

  1. unmanned / ˌʌnˈmænd / (adj.) – (of a spaceship or vehicle) without a person managing or operating it

The company designed an unmanned vehicle that can deliver supplies to faraway places.


Read the text below.

To cheers and applause from kids wearing spacesuits and star-studded T-shirts, a tree was planted in California that is out of this world.

The so-called “Moon Tree”—grown with seeds that were flown around the moon—was wheeled out in a wagon accompanied by several students carrying shovels to help dig its new home at Santiago STEAM Magnet Elementary School in Lake Forest.

The school, which has roughly 500 students in grades K-12, was among those selected to receive a seedling for a giant sequoia that was grown with seeds flown on NASA’s Artemis I Mission in 2022.

“It’s kind of crazy,” said Emily Aguesse, a sixth grader who participated in the ceremony welcoming the tree. “I’ve always wanted to go to space but this motivates it even more.” 

It’s the second time that NASA has flown seeds into space and brought them back for planting. An astronaut for the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 who was a former U.S. Forest Service smokejumper carried seeds that later were grown into the first generation of Moon Trees, which were planted in states spanning from Alabama to Washington.

While many of those seedlings were distributed to national monuments, this latest batch has been given to schools and museums to promote science and conservation education and help bring space down to Earth, said Paul Propster, chief story architect for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

“It’s just kind of cool and fun to connect the next generation of explorers,” Propster said.

It isn’t known whether space travel has an effect on how plants grow and scientists continue to study the topic, he said.

In 2022, NASA and the Forest Service flew nearly 2,000 seeds from five species of trees aboard the unmanned Orion spacecraft, which went into lunar orbit and spent about four weeks traveling in space.

Once back on Earth, the seeds were grown into young sycamores, sweetgums, Douglas firs, loblolly pines and giant sequoias that could be shared with the public through an application process.

Nearly 150 seedlings were distributed earlier in the year, and another batch is expected this fall, NASA officials said.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • The school selected students to join the “Moon Tree” planting activity. What do you think about students participating in tree-planting activities at school? Do you think students learn more when they are personally or directly involved in activities? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • If you were still a student, what school activities would you like to join? How do you think these activities could motivate you to study and learn more about certain topics? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • NASA gave seedlings to schools and museums to promote science and conservation education. How important is it for organizations like NASA to work with schools to promote learning? How do you think being involved in NASA’s project can change a student’s ideas on science and technology? Discuss.
  • Do organizations in your country partner with schools too? What organizations do you think should work more with schools? What makes you say so? Discuss.

Category: Education/Family